Thursday, November 28, 2019

Why did Henry VII win the Battle of Bosworth Essay Example

Why did Henry VII win the Battle of Bosworth? Paper There are a number of reasons why Henry VII won the Battle of Bosworth. Whilst there were political, military and economic reasons why Henry won, the political reasons held more weight. There were long term political reasons that contributed significantly to Henry’s success. For instance, the marriage arranged by Elizabeth Woodville and Margaret Beaufort that united Henry and Elizabeth of York. The marriage was publically announced by Henry in 1483 in the Rennes Chapel, Brittany. The marriage not only strengthened Henry’s claim to the thrown and increased his legitimacy, which was very important at this point in History, but it also increased Henry’s support. It did this by uniting the support of Elizabeth and Margaret who had previously been enemies. This gave Henry support on the Battlefield from not only Lancastrians but some Yorkists that had supported Edward V too, which naturally contributed to his victory as he had more people in England supporting him. Henry’s exile to Brittany was also important in Henry’s success. During his 14 year exile in Brittany, Henry had been gathering a court in Paris as well as collecting troops for an invasion. It can be argued that due to the opinion that Henry Tudor might be useful in further negotiations with England, Henry VII had the support and protection of the Duke of Brittany. The implications of this and befriending welsh exiles were hugely beneficial to Henry. Through having this support Henry was able to collect 1,500 French mercenaries, over 1,000 welsh soldiers and had the support of 400-500 loyal welsh exiles. We will write a custom essay sample on Why did Henry VII win the Battle of Bosworth? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Why did Henry VII win the Battle of Bosworth? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Why did Henry VII win the Battle of Bosworth? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This support contributed largely to his total army of around 5,000. Without this support it seems that Henry would barely have had an army at all, so his exile to Brittany was hugely important to his win at the Battle of Bosworth. Perhaps what is just as important to take into account as Henry’s support, was Richard’s lack of support. Through Richard’s usurpation of the throne he had made many enemies. It caused splits in the Yorkist party and caused fear and doubt within the people. He had failed to win the full support of the nobility and had dropped in popularity even further after the introduction of his policy which involved him putting northerners in southern counties. In addition, with the speculation that Richard had murdered his nephews in 1483, his popularity only dropped further. Richard’s decrease in popularity meant that people who no longer supported Richard would therefore support Henry, adding yet again to Henry’s support which contributed to him winning the Battle of Bosworth. There were also short terms political reasons behind Henry’s win. For instance, the role of the Stanleys on the battle field. It was arguably the turning point of the battle when the brothers, who had remained impartial surveying the battle waiting to see which army would take the lead, decided to enter it on the Lancastrian side. Having made up nearly half of Richard III’s army, this addition of 6,500 soldiers to the Lancastrian army resulted in it being the bigger army of the two sides. They had a tactical position on the field, one brother on each side of the field, which meant when they attacked William, they could attack him from both sides. It was a combination of having more soldiers and the Stanley brother’s strategic location on the battle field that then led to Richard’s death and the end of the battle. There were some short term military reasons as to why Henry won the Battle of Bosworth. Henry’s uncle Jasper Tudor was able to assist him with his military expertise however it was largely down to military luck and chance that Henry was victorious. Despite Richard the III having more troops that were better equipped, considerably more cavalry, the advantaged position on Ambien Hill and vastly more experience of battle, the first hour of the battle was evenly matched. This made Henry lucky, as the odds were heavily against him. It could be argued it was also Henry’s luck that the Stanley brothers joined his side. However, when stalemate occurred Henry rode across to the Stanley’s to offer persuasion to join the Lancastrian side. The fact that the Stanley’s did eventually join the battle on Henry’s side provides evidence that Henry’s confidence as a military leader by being forward thinking and taking his initiative could instead be responsible in gaining the Stanleys support rather than it being completely down to luck. Richard’s tactical errors in the battle also contributed to why Henry won. Richard lost the opportunity to gain advantage in attacking Oxford by being too hesitant. This resulted in Oxford launching the first attack on Norfolk who was then killed. Richard’s risk taking could either show him as a tactical leader, or a reckless one. However his risk in charging down from Ambien hill to attack Henry with the aim to potentially end the battle backfired on him as it resulted in his death as he had played into Henry’s hands. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that Richard’s risk taking was yet another tactical error on his part, which helped Henry VII win. As well as political and military reasons, there were also economic explanations as to why Henry won the Battle of Bosworth. In order to have the resources and equipment for battle, large amounts of money were needed. Henry was able to gain the necessary economic support from Charles VIII of France due to Charles hoping this would distract Richard III from sending help to Brittany. It was this economic support that gave Henry VII the best chance in battle which therefore contributed to his victory. It is clear to see that without doubt that the political reasons for Henry winning the Battle of Bosworth not only outnumber the military and economic reasons but they are of greater importance too. The military reasons hold little significance due to the nature of the battle. This is effectively put by Charles Oman, writer of The Art of War in the Middle Ages that the Battle of Bosworth â€Å"can hardly be taken for serious military study- since it was not settled by strategy or tactics, but by mere treachery†. In addition to this, the economic reason was only one piece in the jigsaw puzzle to why Henry won, whereas the political reasons, both long term and short, made larger contributions to the victory as a whole not only in the build up to the Battle, but during the Battle itself.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Ballistics Essays

Ballistics Essays Ballistics Essay Ballistics Essay Paper Ballistics Bullets traveling over two thousand feet per second and having more energy than one normal person can perceive. Can you imagine tracking where, how, when, and what from angle this bullet was shot. Ballistic scientists can. Ballistics is the study of any projectile used as a weapon. This can certainly make or break a case Involving a guru Great ballistic scientists can even provide how far the bullet was shot from before It makes contact with the target. To me this is one of the most Important tools in a case where a firearm is used. The definition of ballistics is very simple, the study of projectiles from a weapon, mainly referring to bullets out of a gun. That Is a dulled down definition. My definition is a little lengthier in depth. Forensic ballistics includes the examination of bullets and firearms in an attempt to identify particular weapons used at any particular time. Guns and bullets leave small signs behind when fired, which professional ballistic scientists can pick apart and define what gun, bullet, energy, and even charge of the casing. This makes ballistic scientist one of the most important keys on a law enforcement agency. Pistols and rifles are categorized by what the inside diameter of the barrel measures. This is called caliber. An example would be, a 22 caliber rifle has a much smaller diameter barrel than a . 370 caliber rifle does. In turn, the bullet of a . 22 caliber is going to be considerably smaller than that off . 370 caliber, Pistols are categorized the same way. A . 40 caliber is much smaller than a . 460 caliber. Shotguns, however, are not categorized Like this. Shotguns are categorized by gauge. Unlike the rifle, the smaller the gauge of a rifle the bigger the inside diameter is. Such as, a twelve gauge has a much larger barrel than a twenty-eight gauge. Now that I have explained sizes and categorization to the guns, next Is the operation of the guns. When a gun is fired it takes many parts to make the gun fire and also for the bullet to hit Its target. When you pull the trigger on a gun, the firing pin strikes the bullet to set tot the gunpowder. That leaves a mark on the casing as unique as a fingerprintno two guns strike the bullet in exactly the same way. Furthermore, the barrels of every gun are rifled, which means they contain grooves, wanly Nell ten Dulled spun Ana make It more accurate. In turn, ten Dulled NAS ten marks from the rifling in the barrel, which can be matched up to the weapon that fired it. There is one exception to the rifling in the barrel. That exception is smooth bore shot guns. They are smooth, Just like the name implies. Now to talk about the term most people deem as ballistics, the speed, drop, and energy off bullet. Charge, weight, and muzzle length are three things that affect the speed and drop off bullet. Something most people don?wet know is that a bullet does not shoot straight horizontally. When I bullet is shot it is shot at a raising angle. Which means the bullet breaks the plane of the muzzle once before hitting the target. A . 22 caliber rifle breaks the plane of the muzzle at twenty-five yards, if the rifle is zeroed at 100 yards. Not all rifles cartridges cross at these measurements. That all depends on the weight, charge, and velocity of the bullet. Weight can also be described as knock-down power. A high caliber rifle will shoot heavier bullets and have more knock-down power. The more weight means that there is more kinetic energy. For example, a . 357 caliber rifle shoots a lighter, much faster bullet than that off . 5 caliber. Although the . 57 is faster and more flat shooting, the . 45 caliber has more knock-down power because of the weight of the bullet and the kinetic energy. Although this information is more helpful too hunter, it is useful to any shooter. Charge is described as the amount of black-powder used to fire the bullet. The more the charge, the bigger the bang. Every gun uses black-powder to be fir ed. Black-powder was the first explosive, and used in every gun in the history of fire- arms. From the oldest muskmelons to the most high tech sniper rifles used today. Now that the velocity of the gun is covered, next will be to explain what happens o the bullet once it hits the target. There are many different types of bullets. Such as soft tip, hollow point, and wad cutters. There are also a few types of hollow points. Hollow points are bullets that expand, (or mushroom) once they have impacted the target. These are most common and also the most harmful. Not only do you have a bullet traveling at over 1 500 feet per second, but they also expand and leave gaping entry and exit wounds, and can also leave trace amounts of the bullet inside the target. One type of hollow point is a slow expanding bullet. It works exactly like it is babbled, it is a harder bullet that still expands, but may not fully expand until it is very far into the target. These do a lot of damage, but not as bad as a fast expanding bullet. Fast expanding bullets expand as soon as contact is made with the target and is the most lethal type of bullet. Because they open so quickly you get the mushroom effect completely through the target. Wad cutters are nothing more than a solid piece of lead. They are mainly used for target practice because they are very cheap and do not have the charge nor the velocity of a hunting load. Although they arena t as powerful they are Just as harmful. Since they do not expand they stay a solid completely through the target and also after if there is an exit wound. These are Just as deadly because they can ricochet inside off target such as a human. Wad cutters are used in a lot of gang fights because they will not kill someone, but they will penetrate the skin and once inside the person they will ricochet off of the ribs and sternum, doing much internal damage. On each and every gun manufactured, there is a serial number stamped into it. It Is made Day pressing ten metal so even Day Telling Tontine serial under Trot ten inside, the scientist can still use ultra-sound to find out the serial number. Filing off serial number is a crime in itself and is very common in gangs, drugs, and acts of violence. By acquiring this serial number ballistic scientists can find out the caliber, make, model, store it was sold from, and even the owner. This is a huge factor in ballistic science. If you can place a gun with an owner/operator, as a ballistic scientist you have won half the battle of solving the crime. Ballistic scientists not only work with the operation of the gun, but also the distance and angle the bullet was shot from. For instance, the entry hole on a target well be much smaller than the exit hole because of the expansion of the bullet and the velocity that it exited at. In this case if you can determine and entry and exit wound you can tell what angle the bullet was shot from and determine the vicinity that the shooter was when the bullet was fired from the firearm. Distance is a huge key to figuring out what happened at a crime scene. A bullet fired from point-blank range out to a very close range will leave a black-powder burn on the target. A shot a point-blank range will have a tighter more distinct burn than en of a shot from a further distance. Another determining key to distance is penetration. If a bullet has not completely passed through a victim it could have been fired from a farther distance than what the proprieties of the scene allow. Some of the tests and examinations of ballistics include a few different types of test shooting. The ballistic scientist will test shoot the gun to find out its markings and striations on certain types of bullets to try and match a bullet with a gun and even a gun with an owner. That type of test can obviously only be done if either remains of the bullet or the gun is found. If neither the gun nor bullet is found at the scene the scientist can shoot different types of guns into what is called ballistic gel. This gel is comparable to the skin, muscle, and fat off human. It is a clear gel so you can compare the wound channel of the victim to that of the gel. This is also helpful with studying expansion of a bullet considering the gel is clear. Collecting evidence from a crime scene is very important. You do not want to hurt any evidence that could hinder the case. When collecting evidence such as a gun, never place a pencil inside of the barrel or trigger guard. Not only is that not proper rearm safety it is also harmful to any evidence that is located there. The firearms can be picked up by the textured part of the grip, while of course wearing rubber gloves to leave no extra fingerprints behind. Before picking up the firearm, make sure it is pointing in a safe direction. Most criminals do not unload the firearm before they drop it at a crime scene. Keep notes on the condition of the gun, the location, and time it was found. These call all be key factors in telling when, where, why, and how the victim was shot. If the barrel is damaged in any way, it will affect the outcome of test shooting. The same goes for the firing mechanism. The firearm should be contained in either a large envelope or a paper bag. It should be kept separate from the bullets, casing, or magazine. Putting all of these pieces of evidence in one container can lead to scratching and damaging any piece of evidence. As for collecting the bullet or casing from a scene, you must be very careful and collect it right or it will be no good as evidence. Since casings and bullets are metal, IT tenure Is any metal on metal contact ten specimen can De rule Ana scratches. This is why you would want to collect the evidence by hand with gloves on. Also one thing that most criminals don?wet think about is when you are loading your weapon you are leaving your fingerprints on the casings as you load them into the magazine. This is why casing are very important to any case. You would not want to use metal tweezers. If the bullet is scratched it could lead to false reading in test shooting or examination. Bullets and casings should be placed in a separate small cardboard box or a small envelope at the least. When collecting a magazine you should take the same precautions as you do with the gun, bullets, and casings. The magazine can be a very important part of the rime scene. Let?was possible that the magazine that was left behind could still have cartridges in them that have not been fired. If so that could narrow down the search for the caliber of gun and also the type of ammunition that was shot. Also with finding the magazine you can examine it for fingerprints from when the magazine was loaded and unloaded. With finding such things as the magazine, bullets, and casing you can determine many things such as, position, distance, caliber, gun, and even an escape route if the magazine was dropped. When I had first chosen the topic ballistics I thought I would be more focused on he science part of ballistics. But once I researched and put some of my own knowledge to work I realized that I was more interested in the way guns work and the way bullets travel. Although I don?wet see myself as the laboratory type, if I could only work on firearms cases it would not be that bad of a Job. I know as a student I learned very much in my research of bullets, guns, and ballistics. ?catheter are hundreds of millions of gun owners in this country, and not one of them will have an accident today. The only misuse of guns comes in environments where there are drugs, alcohol, bad parents, and undisciplined children.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

South Africa Tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

South Africa Tourism - Essay Example The Dutch East India Company was the pioneer European settler on Cape of Good Hope. They established permanent colony comprising of 15000 setters. The number rose to above 15000 by the end of 18th century. The other settlers or area came in 1795 and tried to make an independent republic. These were known as Boers of Afrikaners (Binns & Nel 236). In 1815, Britain was able to control the cape colony and brought 5000 settlers at the end of Napoleonic Wars. That was the era when African blacks were being released from slavery and they were moving back to Africa. This was known as â€Å"Great Trek† when Africans were settling North and East into African tribal territory. They also explored the areas of Orange Free State and Transvaal (South African Tourism 61). The year of 1867 is of great importance as gold and discovery of diamond attracted the outlanders to invade the land. Outlanders came to republics and tried to convince Prime Minister Cecil Rhodes for invasion. Rhodes execut ed a plan but failed and Rhodes was forced to resign from his office. This war was named as inevitable war, which started on 11 Oct 1899.Boers was defeated in the war which resulted in the creation of Union of South Africa. Union was composed of four provinces including former provinces as well. Cape and Natal colonies were also part of Union. Botha had the honor of becoming first Prime Minister.African National Congress came into existence in 1912 which marked the beginning of organized political activity in the country.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Mastery of information technology in career of nursing Essay

Mastery of information technology in career of nursing - Essay Example The mastery of information technology is extremely important in the educational field nowadays as the computer is the basic element in all professions. So I believe that mastering computer technology will give freedom to any student to choose what he or she wants as a career. My dream to pursue nursing career will definitely need a knowledge in latest information technology as hospitals are highly exclusive with computer technology.I was very sure even when I was doing higher studies that I would aim towards working as a nurse in future period. But for this purpose, I was convinced that I need to be proficient in the computer field. An in-depth knowledge of information technology has allowed me to learn subjects easily during my educational process. Nowadays most of the studies are done through E- learning and knowledge in the computer make things easier and effective. The computer makes the learning process easily understandable that also in less time. It has also allowed storing data and accessing it wherever and whenever needed. According to (Downes 1) â€Å"Today, e-learning mainly takes the form of online courses. From the resources distributed by MIT's Open Courseware project to the design of learning materials in Rice's Connexions project to the offerings found at colleges and universities everywhere, the course is the basic unit of organization†.Even test, projects and lesson modules are worked out with the help of computer and my knowledge in information technology has helped me to successfully complete my studies.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Socrates and his theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Socrates and his theories - Essay Example Contrary to other philosophers, Socrates devoted his life to serve his people without charging fees (Plato 34). Therefore, to state that Socrates had no or little participation of democracy in Athenian government is entirely true. Socrates perceived democratic form of governance as corrupt, unjust, and he profoundly differed with its ideologies. As a philosopher, Socrates believed in practicality and critical thinking in order for one to improve his or her life. He opposed the idea of the majority being in government, which is one of the fundamentals that form a democratic government. According to Pericles, Socrates lack of recognition in equality through participation of the majority makes him less a democratic citizen (Plato 40). Cleon as portrayed by Thucydides was a diligent supporter of the democratic system of government. In his speech Cleon, upholds the negative aspects of the Athenian rules. Cleon strongly believed that anyone who opposed the Athenian government is subject to punishment (Thucydides 25). Cleon delivered his speech opposing the Mytilenian revolt against Athens. In his speech, Cleon emphasized on certain aspects of democracy discussed by Pericles in his famous funeral oration. These aspects include the implementation of the death row sentence. It is my opinion that as much as Cleon convinced Athenians through his speech that democracy is the answer to peace, order and equality. However, it is vital to consider the opinion of the minority for democracy to be effective and sufficient. Socrates did not support Athenian democratic government because of its ignorance of the minority. In fact, he considered it a tool of oppression. Socrates would highly disagree with Cleon’s speech full of egotistical claims in favor of democratic government. This is because in his speech Cleon does not mention the installation of moral values among the citizens to ensure orderliness. Rather, he emphasizes on the execution of the law whether it is just or bias (Thucydides 30). His speech contrasts Socrates belief in the power of knowledge and critical thinking as opposed to following and serving the law blindly (Plato 56). In his speech Diodotus, stressed on the importance of reasoning before implementing a rule. Diodotus urges the Athenian parliament to reason and strategize before passing a judgment on the Mytilenian revolution. Diodotus opposed Cleon who stood by the rules of law. It is my understanding that Diodotus realized that strategy and tact are essential in implementation of power or rules. As in the case of Athens, they faced a challenge in integrating the other states in their system of governance. This was result of lack of strategy and tact (Thucydides 50). Diodotus in his speech argued that by wise reasoning Athenians would subtly subdue the other states without the use of force. Diodotus argument concurs with Socrates principles of governance and power. Just like Diodotus, Socrates believed in rational conflict solv ing methods. Moreover, in his theories Socrates states that, through critical reasoning, a state can achieve anything it intends to acquire without the use of force. Socrates also believed in knowledge as a tool for personal development. However, Diodotus and Socrates differed in terms of participation in politics. Diodotus was an active figure in policy making while Socrates concerned himself with acquisition of knowledge (Kamtekar 80). In the case of the Mytilenian debate, Diodotus

Friday, November 15, 2019

Saudi Education System

Saudi Education System The previous chapter sought to clarify the research motivation, presented the rationale for the study and outlined the specific research questions. Given that this work was undertaken in Saudi Arabia, it is pertinent to provide an over view of the Saudi education system particularly its general characteristics, structure, curriculum being used in it. This chapter provides general background regarding the basic objectives of the Saudi education system. The strategies it employs for its on going development and advancement. 2.2 The Saudi Education System: A brief preview Education in all parts of Saudi Arabia was traditional until the late nineteenth century, the education was mainly restricted to reading, writing and recitation of the Quran. Higher education in religious studies existed only in the main cities of Saudi Arabia. The beginning of the Modern Education took place towards the end of the nineteenth century in the then Ottoman provinces of Hijaz and Al-Ahsa. By 1920s a few private schools began offering non-religious subjects in some major cities and larger towns. In the beginning of 1951 a network of secondary schools was set up. The ministry of Education was established in 1954 and prince Fahd Bin Abd al-Aziz became the first minister. The first non wholly religious university was opened up in 1957. In spite of the strong opposition of the conservatives of the Saudi clan the public education for girls began in 1964. The Ministry of Higher Education was established in 1975, and the development plans of 1970s and 1980s characterized remarka ble development in the Education setup, improving Saudi Education system considerably. The literacy rate in Saudi Arabia in 1970 was 15% for men and 2% for women. By 1990 it was 73% for men and 48% for women , and, in 2002 it reached 90.9% and 70.2%, respectively . According to the Central Intelligence Agencys World Factbook 2002, the literacy rate in 2002 was estimated at 84.2% for males and 69.5% for females and according to the latest facts it stands at 86.6% overall, with male literacy rate at 90.4% and female literacy rate at 81.3%. The reason for the positive results in combating illiteracy can be attributed to government support and encouragement. Private education institutions and Quran schools proved successful in increasing the literacy rate. The very first syllabus to educate adults, especially in terms of reading, was laid down in 1956. Initially, the period of education was reduced to three years, and then after some experimentation, four years. After this four year timeframe, the student attended a follow-up programme after which a he or she was then eligible for a primary school certificate. Around the mid 1950s, Saudis quickly started to realise that education, and reading in particular, were absolutely vital for the future of their country. Today, they look on in pride at a well-educated and successful nation. Saudi business is booming, and the rate of attendance at schools has reached 98.7 percent. Meanwhile, rectification work is continuing on educating elderly people who may have missed out on previous reading programmes. 2.3 Characteristics of Saudi education System Education in Saudi Arabia has four special characteristics: an emphasis on Islam, a centralized educational system, separate education for men and women, and state financial support. Islam is the core of each Muslims curriculum, with time each week devoted to the study of the Muslim sacred text, the  Quran, Islamic tradition, jurisprudence, and theology from primary through higher education. Religion is not separate from but is a part of the disciplines of education, economics, sociology, psychology, medicine, and law. It is expected that the  Quran  will be memorized, interpreted, and applied to all aspects of daily life. The centralized educational system for men is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education; and for women, under the General Presidency of Girls Education. All schools at all levels utilize the same methods of instruction, textbooks, evaluation techniques, curricula, and educational policy. As stated in Article 155 of the Educational Policy of Saudi Arabia, there is strict separation of the sexes at all levels of education with the exception of kindergarten, nursery, and some private elementary schools, and in some medical schools. The separation of the sexes is related to the respected social status of women accorded to them by Islam. With the exceptions of physical education and home economics, the curricula are the same. The Saudi government is committed to the development of education at all costs and maintains exclusive control. Education is free but not compulsory beyond the elementary level. The government provides free tuition, stipends, subsidies, and bonuses to stude nts entering certain fields of study and to those continuing their education outside the country. Free transportation is provided for female students. 2.4 Objectives of Saudi Education Policy The objectives of the Saudi educational policy are to ensure that education becomes more efficient, to meet the religious, economic and social needs of the country and to eradicate illiteracy among Saudi adults. The main educational purpose of Saudi education system is a continuation of its Islamic Educational heritage. To prepare highly qualified individuals, scientifically and intellectually, so that they can perform their best in order to benefit their country and the development of their Nation. To play a positive role in the field of scientific research in order to contribute to the global progress in arts, science and inventions. To translate the scientific knowledge to the language of Quran (Arabic) and the development of the wealth of the Arabic language, to meet the needs of Arabization, by making knowledge accessible to the largest number of people. There are several government agencies involved with planning, administrating and implementing the overall governmental educational policy in Saudi Arabia. The Ministry of Education sets overall standards for the countrys educational system (public and private) and also oversees special education for the handicapped. Early in 2003 the General Presidency for Girls Education was dissolved and its functions were taken over by the Ministry, to administer the girls schools and colleges, supervise kindergartens and nursery schools and sponsor literacy programs for females.   The Structure and Curriculum of Saudi Public Education The Public education in Saudi Arabia, for boys and girls, is divided into three levels: elementary, intermediate, and secondary. Also, there is optional kindergarten level. The school year at all three levels consists of two semesters, which are fifteen weeks long. Classes per week vary from 28 to 33 class. The length of each class is 45 minutes. Passing the exam at the end of the school year is essential for moving to next grade or level. Students who fail need to take another test in the subject that was failed. Before the new school year starts, if the student fails again, he needs to repeat the grade. Elementary Education: Elementary education consists of six grades. Students start at the age of six. (May accept 3 months or 4 in Gregorian calendar- less than 6). Elementary education focuses mainly on Islamic religion and the Arabic language; mathematics, history, geography, and science. 2.7 Elementary School Curriculum: 2.8 Intermediate Education: Passing the sixth grade examinations is required to enter the intermediate level. The age of the intermediate student is between 12 and 15 years old. Students in the intermediate level study, besides Islamic and Arabic language courses, more general education courses. Completion of the third year of the intermediate level and passing the examination, students can select one of three options: (1) regular secondary school, (2) vocational education, (3) Quranic schools. 2.9 Intermediate School Curriculum Secondary Education Before 1937, there was no secondary-level education in Saudi Arabia. The first high school was the Saudi Institution opened in 1926. The real beginning of secondary education coincides with the development of the Foreign Mission preparatory school in 1937. The initial purpose of this school was to prepare Saudi students for higher education in Egyptian universities. The curricula were similar to the Egyptian curricula and most of the teachers were from Egypt. Secondary education is three-year program. The economic development in the oil sector in 1950s and 1960s led to dramatic industrial and commercial growth in Saudi Arabia. The need for an immediate reform of the secondary education system and more secondary schools became clear. The Saudi Supreme Committee of Education embarked on a large-scale expansion of the Saudi education system, which was influenced by the American education system. There are now three types of secondary education available in Saudi Arabia: Quranic school, (2) general (academic) school, and (3) vocational (professional) school. The first Quranic high school opened in 1977. General high school follows a general curriculum in the first year. Then, each student specializes in either liberal arts or science for the next two years. The general high school curriculum has been changed several times, as educational policymakers and curriculum planners have determined that the curriculum did not meet individuals and national needs. The Ministry of Education established the first comprehensive secondary school in 1975, as an experimental modern high school in the city of Riyadh. In 1977 and 1978, they opened three more schools in other cities round the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The intent in establishing these schools was: To prepare students for real life by affording them with the knowledge and skills they need for employment, To meet the needs of both individuals and groups in society, To allow students to select the courses and activities that they need, To offer students access to an academic adviser to guide and help them during their studies. Because of the need to expand secondary education and include additional academic programs and areas of study, the comprehensive secondary education program was replaced by developed secondary education in 1983. This school allowed students to choose the courses that correspond to their interests, as well as developing a high school structure which allows students to experience different activities. Saudi educational policymakers phased the developed high school plan out in 1993 because of the negative social consequences for both students and the society. Higher Education Higher education became the focus of Saudi Education system when country embarked on its development ascent in 1970s. The oldest university in Saudi Arabia was opened in 1957 as Riyadh university which was renamed as King Saud university in 1982. In the academic year 2007-2008 the university had 42,312 students (Albaikan, 2010). There were only two universities in Riyadh, King Saud university (KSU) and Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic university until 2004 when the first women university was established by combining women colleges. The ministry of Higher Education was established in Saudi Arabia in 1975 to supervise and regulate the higher education in the country. The ministrys major objective was to establish new higher education institutions throughout the country and expand the existing ones and to commence and renew the undergraduate and post-graduate programmes in most disciplines in these universities and colleges. Saudi universities and higher education institutions offer Di plomas, Bachelors, Masters and PHD degrees in various humanities and scientific specializations. A Bachelor degree requires four years study programme in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences and five to six years in the field of Engineering, Medicine and Pharmacy. The medium of instruction in science and technological fields is English, while the other subjects are taught in Arabic. Saudi universities have been increased in number from eight public universities to twenty one since 2004 (Ministry of Higher Education, 2008) Most of these universities were pre-established colleges, which were later upgraded to the status of universities. A large number of vocational institutes and private colleges have been established more recently, such as The Prince Sultan University and Arabic Open University. A considerable amount of annual budget is allocated for these higher Education institutions by the Saudi Government to ensure their smooth working and continuous advancement, For instance the budget in 2010 spent $36.7 billion on education and training out of $146 billion total budget. The Higher Education budget of 2010 covered funding for establishing new universities across Saudi Arabia and the expansion of the existing ones and increasing the students enrollment in Higher Education and scholarship programmes abroad. There are approximately more than 80.000 Saudi stude nts studying at Higher education universities around the world with Government scholarships. Moreover, The worlds largest Women University, The Princess Nora Bint AbdulRahman University, was inaugurated in the first quarter of the year 2011 by the then King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, at the outskirts of the capital city Riyadh. The university has the capacity of accommodating 50.000 students and aims to improve womens access to courses such as Business and Science. The university has its own teaching Hospital , state of the art laboratories and libraries. The Movement to transform the Saudi society into a Knowledge Society was emphasized by the Minister of Higher Education in a speech, during the First Higher Education Symposium held in March 2010: The premises of Higher Education development adopted by the Ministry  are based on specified fundamentals, most important of them is  supporting Saudi society be transformed into a knowledge society. One  of the most important means to achieve this transformation is to develop  and employ a view of knowledge economy where knowledge is produced,  disseminated and ultimately consumed at various community products  and service works. Toward this there was collaboration with universities  to build real and realistic partnerships with production and services  sector, both governmental and private whether local or international.  Such move is justified in a view of a university or educational institution role as a manifestation of a balance stroked between producing knowledge and utilization of this produced knowledge, education output  that is fit for national development needs and those needs of labour  market. Such balancing highlights the real role and the positiv e  reflection of universities and Higher Education organizations at serving  their communities, not forgetting too their pioneering role at educating  and conducting research. (Ministry of Higher Education Portal, 2010): (para. 7) The Use of Internet In Saudi Education System Saudi Arabian citizens were enabled to access Internet in the year 1999 for the first time. According to the Communications and Information Technology Commission (2007) There were approximately 200.000 Internet users in Saudi Arabia in December 2000, the number which rose to 2.54 million users by the year 2005 and by 2007 it jumped up to 6.4 million users, making it nearly one third of the Saudi population which is approximately 24 million (Albaikan, 2010) The major reason for this rapid growth is that around 60% of Saudi population comprises of young people who are in their twenties or even younger (ArRiyadh Development authority, 2007) and they are adapting to the latest technologies faster than expected (Albaikan,2010). It is expected that Internet use will continue to grow In Saudi Arabia at the same pace, hence, raising the issue of incorporating methodologies to provide new learning strategies that include use of technology. In the major cities of Saudi Arabia, the residential, business and metropolitan areas including universities have been provided with the Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) recently. Asynchronous virtual learning is used in the country due to the limitation in the bandwidth. The manager of Al-Dawalij company (Saudi Educational Software Producing Company) said supporting his view that his company has stopped producing online educational material for schools because of the network connection problems that prevented schools accessing that material (Albaikan, 2010). Therefore their soft wares and products are only available on CDs and DVDs (Abu-Hassana Woodcock, 2006). The ministry of Higher Education of Saudi Arabia has encouraged the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education sector, providing development projects to establish adequate IT infrastructure and content development for students seeking Higher education. Recently some universities and institutions have also been provided Commercial learning Management Systems such as blackboards, white boards, WebCT and Tadarus (Arabic Language Learning Management System) to facilitate online tea ching and learning. However, the number of instructors and lecturers who utilize these systems is limited, due to the lack of sufficient training workshops and practice. King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) and King AbdulAziz University (KAU), established E=learning centers a few years ago, that provide assistance to their lecturers to develop interactive web-based supplementary material for traditional courses (Albaikan, 2010). The KAU, was the first Saudi university that employed a virtual learning environment, by offering online Bachelor degree. However in August 2007, the Islamic University of Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud began offering a distance learning program that delivers instructions entirely through the Internet (Albaikan,2010), but only a few universities up till now have begun implementing E-learning for their distance learning programmes and offer online courses. To further aid and assist the development of education system, the Ministry of Higher Education of Saudi Arabia has established the National plan for Information technology which encourages the E-learning and distance learning for higher education. The National Centre for E-learning and Distance learning was established in 2006, to support E-learning and blended learning implementation in universities (Albaikan, 2010). The National centre provides tools, technical support and the necessary means for the development of digital education content for Higher education through out the country. Due to the lack of adequately trained lecturers and the ever-rising number of students, The National Centre of E-learning and Distance Learning has started various programmes that aim to enhance E-learning in Saudi universities. The principal goals and objectives of the National centre for E-learning, 2008 were: To work across all Higher Education Institutions to develop a national and international E-learning infrastructure. To develop infrastructures for the centre. To establish awareness of E-learning programmes. To provide full E-learning solutions to atleast three strategic partners by the end of 2010. To collaborate with Higher Education, government and corporate partners to provide solutions for complex E-learning problems. To develop new E-learning projects. To develop rules and regulations to supervise and govern E-learning programmes in Saudi Arabia. To establish alliance with with atleast two international E-learning bodies to share E-learning resources. King Saud University, King Abdulaziz University, Baha University, Taiba University, Qassim University and Madinah Islamic University all have memoranda of understanding with the Ministry to introduce the E-learning scheme as per the ministrys instructions. (Albaikan, 2010) The National centre of E-learning has established a training programme for academics in the universities who want to adopt e-learning. A digital repository called, Maknaz has also been started by the centre, it will contain various educational content such as learning objects, which can be uploaded and modified by lecturers and retrieved by students. Jusur, The Learning Management system was created in 2007 to provide the learning management features in Arabic for Saudi institutions. Jusur is an user-friendly system and it has already been upgraded to the second version within a year of its innovation. The system provides online help desk and support, allowing people to send in their queries, using an online ticket for technical assistance and receive a prompt reply in their email accounts. Jasurs website also offers printed manuals specifically for students and lecturers both. Summary This chapter has covered the background of the Saudi education system and the important factors that influence it. The general structure, characteristics and curriculum of Saudi education system have been highlighted in the chapter. This chapter also explained the use of internet in the context of Saudi education system, the developing role of ICT in it and the role of the Centre of E-learning and Distance Learning has also been discussed. Saudi Arabia is still striving to respond to the technological evolution in Education. It has only been fifty years when the first university was established with only twenty one students, today the country proudly hosts twenty one public universities and a number of private universities along with the worlds largest women university. Female education is given considerable priority and the focus is on to establish quality learning conducive environments for face to face and E-learning.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

More than a spoonful of sugar Essay -- Health, Natural Remedies

As a kid I don’t remember thinking about my health a lot, probably because kids count on their parents to keep them healthy. They count on their parents to feed them the right things and do all obvious things that would help them stay healthy. But in reality both kids and adults have the ability to naturally help their health wether its intentional or not. Although medicine is helpful, many natural remedies can also benefit your health such as laughter, the sense of touch, exercise and having a pet. In many ways people find laughter as just a response to something funny or just as a happy emotion. But it really does so much more for your body, health and personal well-being. The benefits of laughter exceed the emotion. â€Å"Laughter along with an active since of humor, may protect you against a heart attack according to a recent study by cardiologists at the University or Maryland†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Murry1) A study done by the University of Maryland medical center consisted of 300 people, half of them had suffered from some type of heart disease or issue and the other half had not. Each filled out a questionnaire mainly about how much the individual laughed in good, bad and normal situations. They found that the people with or without heart disease are 40% more likely not to have a heart attack if they laughed more in life and situations. (Murry1-2) Laughter has physical, mental and social benefits to your health. Some of the Physical benefits to laughter include; relieving stres s, boosting your immune system by increasing your immune cells, decreasing pain, increasing blood flow, enhances oxygen intake and it relaxes your muscles up to 45 min..(Smith1) (Puckett1) The mental and social benefits are obvious. Laughter adds zest to your life and impr... ...en those without pets. They also took less medication for high blood pressure and sleeping. (Becker 63-64) Many Physiatrists with patients that have anxiety when leaving the house or with depression prescribe a dog to help them live life again and leave the house. (Becker 63) It is amazing to realize how much pet can change a person’s life and make it so much better. And In the book â€Å"The Healing power of pets† most of the book is stories of a human and dog bond so strong that these dogs have saved these people’s lives numerous times. So although medicine is very helpful there are so many simple natural things that can keep you healthy too such as laughter, the sense of touch, exercise and having a pet. These things are amazing natural things given to us by God that benefit our health in easy extraordinary ways, so why not take advantage of these simple things?

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Analysis Of “Lidl” Essay

Introduction Lidl is a German discount supermarket, operating a chain of over 9000 stores across Europe. In Germany Lidl has an upmarket image attracting the middle class. However, Bulgarian consumers perceive Lidl to be down market retailer attracting low income families. History of the company Schwarz Beteiligungs GmbH is the holding company of the Handelshof and Kaufland store chains and Lidl Stiftung & Co KG, a wholly-owned subsidiary which owns supermarket Lidl. The company was founded in Germany in the 1930‘s by the Schwarz family as a wholesale foods company under tha name Schwarz Assorted Wholesale Foods. The business was then destroyed in 1944. After ten years the business was rebuild and the first Lidl store opened in 1973. By 1977 the Lidl chain comprised 33 discount stores. Today Lidl operates approximately 9000 stores across 20 Europeans countries. In Bulgaria, Lidl opened the first store in 2010 and now services 64 stores across the country. The latest history of the company Lidl was clouded by the observation scandal in 2008. The company was accused of observing their employees. This scandal damaged their image. Lidl has appologized for the incident and has assured that they would promote immediate moves to prevent such incidents to happen again in the f uture. Retail market in Bulgaria Retailers in Bulgaria currently hold a market share of 35% and it is likely to reach 50% in 2014.At the same time, according to the Bulgarian Retailer‘s Association, the market has shrunk with one billion Euro for the last few  years due to the declining consumption. While in 2008 the market was estimated at 12 billion leva, in 2010 it was estimated at 10.7 billion leva and 10.5 billion leva in 2011 (source: ICAP consultancy). Competitors: Top three retailers in 2013 are Metro Cash&Carry, Kaufland and Billa. The largest chain continues to be Metro. However, in 2013 it showed 12% lower sales although it has very good profitability of 9.5%. Kaufland makes every effort to take over the leading position although their profitability is behind the leader with 2.36%. It made more sale due to the new outlets. Billa ranks third (profitability of 2.48%). Its profits decreased substantially. The second group of chains is those which are relatively new on the market. Slovenian Mercator (Roda Market) has 4 outlets (two in Stara Zagora) and plans a new one in Sofia. The retailer operates at a loss and does not plan to make a profit although the strategy is to become at least the 5th largest retailer in Bulgaria. Penny Market entered the country together with Lidl and they became true competitors. In 2010, the chain is on 12th position with 100 million leva (51.1 million Euro) sales. German HIT also registered a decline in sales. Maxima (T-Market) works at a loss due to opening of new stores, and plans to open 15-20 new outlets. A third group consists of smaller local chains. In most cases, they were acquired by larger retailers. Kaleia became a part of T-Market, and Verde was sold to a new owner in 2011. Increasingly, independent stores rebrand under the brands of larger retailers. Lidl currently differentiate themselves in the market by offering quality products at a low price. However, the main reason why Lidl is not among top three retail companies in Bulgaria is that the company is perceived by the Bulgarians as being low quality and low price. Existing brands and strategy of Lidl Lidl stocks very few market leading brands and mainly stocks their own unfamiliar captive brands, which encompasses food and non-food products. Many ranges focus on the ethnic origin of products. Its Italian brand Combino covers everything from dry pasta to pasta sauces; El Tequito signals Mexican food. Lidl offers also a fair trade brand, Free Globe, which provide  Lidl consumers with an ethical alternative. Captive brands are in line with Lidl‘s operating strategy as a discount retailer. Own label, captive brands are cheaper than branded label products as Lidl controls the costs and production thereby ensuring higher profit margins. Competitive Advantage Consumers like private labels due to their price/quality ratio which is almost always good. Lidl tries to cover the full range of consumer products under their private label lines in order to attract as large number of consumers as possible. Private labels also bring benefits to local food manufacturers which are the usual suppliers. Lidl offers small local manufacturers the chance to sell their private label products abroad as well as in the country. Overall, however, these advantages remain underestimated by food producers. Most are still trying to maintain own brands but admit that the price difference for the same product under the own brand and under the private label is almost double, and the cost of keeping own brands grows so significantly that it becomes unaffordable for smaller companies. Ultimately, Lidl is more competitive, ensures a higher image, achieves a greater turnover, makes cost savings, achieves higher revenue and profits and creates customer loyalty through thei r private labels. Social Responsibility In the matter of the important topic Corporate Social Responsibility, Lidl started a project called â€Å"ECO2LOGISCH†. This project is about building stores that are energy-efficient and sustainable. This is a new store generation. For example the new stores will be 100% heated using the waste heat from the refrigerated sections. Lidl plans that from 2010 on all Lidl-stores should be build â€Å"ECO2LOGISCH†. With this project Lidl is the first food retailer which sets sustainable building services engineering as a standard. Another important social activity is the Green bus line â€Å"Vitosha†. This line is financed by LIDL Bulgaria and transports citizens and guests from the National stadium â€Å"Vasil Levski† to Zlatnite mostove in Vitosha for free. The bus is in harmony with nature and everybody experiences positive emotions. Organisational strategy Lidl’s no frills approach to retailing enables them to eliminate all extra  costs such as carrier bags and customer services. It avoids expensive flooring, furnishing and uses basic fixtures such as pallets and simple shelving. Lidl do this in order to keep their operating costs as low as possible which allows them to maintain low product prices and offer their customers value for money. It also has a narrow product assortment, offering one or two items in each category. Therefore, the company is able to buy large amounts of stock achieving economies of scale, enabling Lidl to offer quality products at a low competitive price. PEST analysis Political factor: This factor determines on what degree the government intervenes in the economy. This can affect supermarkets such as Lidl in a number of ways. For instance, the minimum wage in Bulgaria is 340 leva. Not only does it affect Lidl, but also it affects the low-skilled workers. The reason is that the company would prefer to employ fewer workers because of the minimum wage. Taxation in Bulgaria also affects the company. The higher the income tax, the less disposable income consumers have. Therefore, Lidl makes less sales. Generally, the government plays a big role in the economy. Economic factors: The economic factors that influence Lidl include interest rates and cost of living. The interest rates affect the company‘s cost of capital, which determines whether it can grow or not. Lidl is stimulated to invest in Bulgaria by a favorable fiscal policy, flat corporate tax of ten per cent (lowest level in the European Union) and low operational costs. Nevertheless, the country is still ranked as the lowest income member of the EU. As revealed by Eurostat data, the GDP per capita in Bulgaria expressed in Purchasing Power Standards stands at 40% of the EU-27 average based on latest GDP data. That is one of the reasons for the declining consumption in the country. Social factors: It is very important for Lidl that consumers spend more money in their stores. However, according to Industry Watch, private savings have increased with 30% during the last few years as a result of the economic crisis, which has threatened the financial security of many citizens. Households prefer saving in this difficult time and they cut largely on their consumption. Families are more conservative. Another problem is the demographic crisis in Bulgaria. The population has been increasingly declining for the last twenty-four years. Political: Government policies Current legislation Tax policy Employment legislation Economical: Interest rates Fiscal policy Cost of living Social: Education Consumer attitudes and opinions Private savings Major events Technological: Innovation Communications New technology SWOT analysis Sthrengths: Weight: 1. Has private labels and a good range of other branded products too. 2. Strong online presence and online selling. 3. Placement, they build in deprived areas where cheap food is required. They sell reasonable food that appeal to all incomes. 4. Open on Sundays and holidays. 5. Has over 9,000 stores across Europe 0,35 0,26 0,22 0,12 0,05 Total: 1 Weaknesses: Weght: 1.Still relatively small as compared to other brands 2. Hasn’t been able to impact globally as there are a few other chain stores 3. Observation scandal 0,67 0,22 0,11 Total: 1 Opportunities: Weight: 1.To gain a further strong hold in European markets 2. Expanding into growing economies like Africa, Asia etc 0,6 0,4 Threats: Weight: 1. International expansion of other brand would increase competition 2. Price war with other retail chains brands 0,5 0,5 Five forces model Buyer power There is one important change in the consumer’s behaviour to which the retailers have to respond to. Nowadays the importance of health gets bigger and bigger. The convenience food becomes less important and consumers are more interested in fresh and healthy food. Another important fact is the price. Because there is a wide range of large retailers in Bulgaria, the consumer faces no switching costs and thereby the retailers have to have an attractive price scheme. All in all the buyer power is moderate. Supplier power The big Bulgarian retailers often have a large range of suppliers. With this  strategy the retailers ensure stability. They avoid possible delays in deliveries and price fluctuations. In addition to that some large retailers have started to sell own brand products. These two facts weaken the supplier power in the Bulgarian food retail industry. Generally, the supplier power is moderate. New entrants It is not easy for new entrants to enter the market because of the aggressive marketing and pricing schemes of the large retailers in the industry. Nevertheless there are low entry and exit costs in the food retail industry and the changes in consumer’s behaviour gives new entrants a possible niche to enter the market successfully. Besides the low growths rate makes the industry not that attractive to new entrants. In conclusion the threat of new entrants is moderate. Substitutes The only real substitute to the food retail is the food service represented by fast foods restaurants, sit-down restaurants and delivery services. But for consumers the food service is more a complement than a substitute. A more direct substitute are individuals and families who cultivate their own food. This is no longer used nowadays but in the long term it is possible because of the changes in the consumer’s behaviour and the threat of economically and politically instability. The threat of substitutes is therefore weak. Rivalry A high competition in the food retail industry exists. The main reasons for this are not the existing switching costs for the consumers. The similarity in the basic products of the large retailers pushes them into a competitive pricing scheme. This leads the price wars. These are encouraged by the consumers who are now comparing more and more. They have a look on special offers and the lowest price. The Bulgarian food retail industry has a lot of competitors. Therefore, rivalry is strong in this industry. Conclusion The financial crisis has a negative impact on shopping in Bulgaria. Therefore, Lidl needs to be able to compete on more than just price in order to retain more affluent consumers in the future. Thus, the company‘s personality should be distinct from its competitor‘s offerings. Lidl‘s brand personality reflects an outdated and cheap product range, which is negatively perceived by some consumers. In Bulgaria, Lidl‘s products lack symbolic meaning and have few strong associations with the company. In order to gain more market share, Lidl should be presented as honest and trustworthy, offering quality and fresh products at competitive price. Resources: Retail market report (from 2012, prepared by Mila Boshnakova)

Friday, November 8, 2019

McCarthys Abuse of Power essays

McCarthys Abuse of Power essays In 1954 a young junior Senator from the state of Wisconsin held the entire Senate in the palm of his hand. Senator Joseph R. McCarthy used an aggressive strategy of lies, personal attacks, and propaganda in an aggressive attempt to gain power. Was Senator McCarthy a crusader for the common good of the people or was he the ringleader of a witch-hunt seeking only political power? What tactics did McCarthy use to gain his power? What brought about his demise? Joseph McCarthy was a complex man and in order to understand his thinking you must first look at his history, tactics, and supporters. Joseph McCarthy wasnt always the brash and aggressive man that history has made him out to be. McCarthy was born to a good Irish Catholic family. Neighbors remember Joseph as being a shy lad, seen-but-not-heard. At nineteen McCarthy left home to fill a position as a store manager. At about this time the once shy and timid boy began to change into a sharp and aggressive man. McCarthy went back to school where he graduated from Marquette University with the title class president and a law degree. McCarthy began practicing law in a small town and was soon offered a position with a well-respected law firm, which he snatched up. McCarthy soon became disenchanted working for someone else and wanted some power of his own. McCarthy began hobnobbing with the local clubs and organizations McCarthy was so well liked that he was elected president of the Young Democratic Clubs of Wisconsins Seventh District. With a political backing McCarthy decided to run for district attorney of Shawano County under the Democratic ticket. McCarthy came in second losing to a Progressive candidate but beat out the Republican candidate by about a thousand votes. McCarthy polled in seven times as many votes as he should have which gave the fresh faced lawyer good hopes for the future. McCarthy, in his high spirits, than decided to go after the po...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Smoking Essay Example

Smoking Essay Example Smoking Essay Smoking Essay There are a lot Of people smoking outside the ML Center (where there are no smoking signs on each of the benches), on the path between Davies Hall and tat classrooms, in the liberal art breezeways, in front of the theater box office, at the isle between Davies Hall and the Ranch House, and many other places around campus. I dont understand why smokers are being so ignorant while other peoples health is at stake because of the smoke. There are a lot of people that come to ARC, such as young adults, adults, elders, children, and pregnant women, and all of them could be victims of second-hand smoke because of the smokers ignorance. Smoking is not good for your health; smoking could harm nearly every organ of your body. According to Better Health, smokers have a high rate of developing heart disease, stroke, and cancer. The most common cancer that happens because of smoking is lung cancer, but this fact doesnt rule out the possibility that you may be exposed to other cancers, such as cancers of the cent,ix, liver, stomach, and many other cancers. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, smoking causes general adverse effects on the body. Smoking can decrease your immune systems ability to function, decrease bone density, and decrease the quality of sperm. Even people who smoke less than five cigarettes a day can have early signs of cardiovascular disease. Not only smokers can develop these diseases, but victims of second-hand smoke can also develop these diseases. Smoking is also very dangerous for pregnant women because it will affect the babys health before and after birth. The baby can be stillborn, have low birth weight, or can be disabled. Thesis:] Smokers should not smoke in inappropriate places at ARC because it will cause bad effects for the smokers and the victims-of-second-hand-smokes health. There were several ARC students that I asked why they smoke, and they said because they want to. They feel cool, manly, handsome, and good when they smoke. Then, I asked why they smoke where there were no smoking sign around, and they also said because they want to. They said that they were American, they live in the U nited States, and United States is a country of freedom, thus they can do whatever they want. Even though united States is a country of freedom, and we live in the United States, we need to remember that there are limits on every freedom. There are laws that you need to follow even when you live in the United States. Since you are a student at ARC, you have to follow the regulations of ARC. For those who are unaware or ignorant, let me tell you, there are banners and signs scattered throughout the campus. These banners and signs are there not for decoration, but they are there to inform you, and you need to follow them. In addition, there is a legitimate law that forbids you to smoke at certain areas e ARC; you can ask the police, you can see the catalog online (ARC 2014/2015 Catalog, 40), or you can buy the catalog at the bookstore. Even when some smokers that talked to knew about the no smoking sigma they still didnt follow the rules. One of them said, There are so many people hat are smoking over here, and no one got arrested. So why should I bother about the sign? believe this kind of statement came out because they only think about themselves without regarding other people. So, if other people break a rule does that mean it is okay to break the rule? The answer is no. You should realize that there is a reason for every rule. There are places where you can smoke, and there are some places where you cant. You should be more responsible of yourself rather than following other peoples wrong behavior. You should understand that our police cant take care of you very time. The police capability is very limited. You should help the police by following the rules and not smoking in inappropriate places. I do understand that a lot of people were smoking to relieve their stress and/or anxiety. There were several smokers that said that they smoke right outside of the classroom because they were stressed, and they didnt have time to go to a more appropriate place to smoke. I understand their feelings because I have experienced stress too, but it didnt mean that whenever got stressed I have to smoke. You should have realized that there were people inside the lassoer, and if you smoked right after you got out from class, your smoke could got into the classroom. The classroom is an enclosed place where air circulation is very limited. Your smoke would be inhaled by all the people which were inside the room, they would instantly became victims of second-hand smoke, and they could also experience shortness of breath. Know that all you wanted was to make you feel better, but dont torture other people in order to make you feel better. Cant make you quit smoking, but urge you t stop smoking. If you feel stressed or uneasy before or after class, and you ant to relieve your stress or anxiety, you can chew some gum instead of smoking. If you cant quit smoking, but you want to have less risks of health problems, you could try the electric cigarette. The smoke from the electric cigarette is less dangerous and odorless, and the nicotine contained in the electric cigarette is less than the regular cigarette. If you dont want to change your smoking behavior, I suggest you to ask the campus faculty to provide you several designated smoking areas at ARC. However, there are also several places that can be your legitimate smoking areas such as the benches in front f the Student Service Center, the benches beside the pick-up/drop-off spot near the Davies Hall, the park in front of the bookstore, and the park next to the Administration Building. By smoking at the designated areas, you can smoke freely without disturbing other people, and the people who dont smoke can stay away from your designated smoking areas so that they wont be a victims of second-hand smoke. Hope that you are willing to do any of the options that I mentioned above. By doing that, you will not create any victims of second-hand smoke, and you will not torture yourself and others tit your smoke.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Industrial Applications of Computers Case Study

Industrial Applications of Computers - Case Study Example Profitable papermaking means continuous production with minimal deviations from quality specifications. While steady-state control performance is essential, the elimination of waste during transitions such as changes of grades and break recoveries is where the greatest economic gains can be achieved. As production rates rise, often stretching the design capacity of the paper machine, Quality Control Systems (QCS) allow the company to improve the efficiency and quality of the production. This is evident from the significant new developments in quality measurement and control since the introduction of cross direction (CD) control seen in the past years since the 1970s.For paperboard manufacturing using the paper machines, it is necessary to establish the control system that provides a high-mix, low-volume product production. Control parameters are the key component of optimizing the operation, and so the paperboard company should consider an advanced performing QCS. In many cases, the control parameters of paperboard production facilities are normally fixed to the same value using a typical product. Many of these paper production facilities operates in a high mix, low-volume condition because the equipment are consolidated and diverse products are produced to satisfy the end user’s request. Moreover, the paperboard production equipment is often disturbed by the processes of feed preparation or by auxiliary systems. It is for this reason that the control parameters require optimization.... Control parameters are the key component of optimizing the operation, and so the paperboard company should consider an advanced performing QCS. In many cases, the control parameters of paperboard production facilities are normally fixed to the same value using a typical product. Many of these paper production facilities operates in a high mix, low-volume condition because the equipment are consolidated and diverse products are produced to satisfy the end user’s request. Moreover, the paperboard production equipment is often disturbed by the processes of feed preparation or by auxiliary systems. It is for this reason that the control parameters require optimization by deploying a plug-and-play quality control system. Plug-and-play Quality Control System Network Diagram The plug-and-play QCS is a cost effective tool that is used to monitor and control the processes of producing the paperboards. The QCS will consist of a scanner that is driven by a logic controller that is progra mmable, measurement sensors that are network-ready and a station for operations which is connected to a high speed Ethernet network. The architecture provides unlimited connectivity that helps in configuring the system as part of the mill wide distributed control system for full integration into the business network (Oloufa & Thomas, 1999). The configured system featured an off-the-shelf software suite that is configured for high resolution cross the profiles of the equipment, providing historical trends, statistics as well as the supervisory controls of MD/CD. The QCS system is built with components that meet the standard of the industry providing a generic installation designed give self maintenance to the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Module 8 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Module 8 - Research Paper Example fuel consumption, this behaviour is different from what is observed in other countries, like the United States, where cost saving and practicality surpass brand names. This information is essential in determining the brand of cars the will make the greatest sales in china. This attraction to brand names goes hand in hand with how the consumer’s view the manufacturers’ image. Another factor in the determination of the brand is the opinion of the user’s friends. This plays a significant role in the choice of car that they will make. The use of the internet is also growing rapidly among the population, with this comes the growth of e-commerce. Monitoring the users’ preferences on products could also provide good information in determining the marketing strategy to improve on sales (Hague & Peter, 2002). The selection of field workers would comprise of a group of a certain age group and preferably from different cultures (Martin and Tamara, 2005). The training of field workers would involve, giving them guidelines to what questions to ask the consumers, the use of questionnaires to gather data and analysis of this data. The training would also show the fieldworkers how to use the analysed data to generate and compile reports about the research. The supervision would involve the use of guidelines is followed strictly, and the fieldworkers use questionnaires effectively. In the analysis, of the overall customer satisfaction, the frequency distribution indicated that the bigger percentage was satisfied with their dell computers; this came with 95.4 of the percentage interviewed. In the following question, of referring dell to a friend, 81.7% of the interviewees agreed that they would recommend it to a friend or relative. The next question was asking the interviewees the probability of making a dell purchase if they were buying a computer. The frequency was distributed towards the positive with a large percentage of 96.2 saying that they would make the choice