Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Project Technical Paper †Reliable Pharmaceutical Supply Essay

To process a prescription order, RPS needs to know about the patients, the nursing home, and the nursing home unit where each patient resides. Each nursing home has at least one, but possibly many, units. A patient is assigned to a specific unit. An order consists of one or more prescriptions, each for one specific drug and one specific patient. An order, therefore, consists of prescriptions for more than one patient. Careful tracking and record keeping is crucial. In addition, each patient has multiple prescriptions, and one pharmacist fills each order. There are several points in the order-fulfillment process at which information must be recorded in the system. Case manifests must be printed at the start of each shift. Because a prescription may take a long time to be used completely, information must be entered into the system each time a medication is sent, noting the quantity sent and which pharmacist filled the prescription for that shift. Prescriptions contain basic information such as ID number, original date of order, drug, unit of dosage (pill, teaspoon, suppository), size of dosage, frequency of dosage, and special instructions (take with food, take before meals). There are several types of prescriptions, each with unique characteristics. Some orders are for a single, one-time-use prescription. Some orders are for a number of dosages. Some orders are for a certain time period. Information about the prescription order must be maintained. An order occurs when the nursing home phones in the needed prescriptions. Because presc riptions may last for an extended period of time, a prescription is a separate entity from the order itself. The system records which employee accepted and entered the original order. The system has basic data about all drugs. Each drug has generic information such as name 1. Entity-relationship diagram that shows the data strorage requirements for Relable Pharamceutical Supply 2. Domain meta class for RPS. 3. Activity diagram for each use case related to entering new orders Activity Diagram For Entering New Orders. Nurshing Home Prescription Drugs Accounts Section Activity Diagram For Creating Case Manifests. Nurshing Home Prescription Drugs Information Record Section Activity Diagram For Fulfilling Orders. Nurshing Home Prescription Drugs Accounts Section 4. System sequence diagram System sequence diagram for entering new order Enter Prescription Order Record Prescription Info Record Drugs Info Display drugs Ordered Find drugs Availability Pending Order Pending Order Update Order Confirm new Order Confirm Order Update Bill Receive Bills System sequence diagram for Creating Case Manifest Enter Precription Order Record Prescription Info Record Drugs Info Display drugs Ordered Find drugs Availability Pending Order Pending Order Update Order Confirm new Order Confirm Order Update Record Case Manifest System sequence diagram for fulfilling order Fulfill Order Check Prescription Info Record Drugs Ordered Display drugs availabilityRecord types of drugs Find drugs Availability Pending Order Pending Order Record Updated Drugs Confirm fulfilling Order Confirm Fulfilling Order Update Bill payble Receive Fees Calculated 5. State machine diagram for an order 6. Three-layer architecture for this new system Presentation Layer Businness Layer Data Layer †¢ Presentation. The presentation layer provides the application’s user interface (UI). Nursing home users can place orders using the UI tool and Reliable employees can Process the Orders. †¢ Business. The business layer implements the business functionality of the application. Business logic is implemented here, Business entities corresponds to the data . †¢ Data The data layer provides access to external systems such as databases. Each layer should be structured as described in the following paragraphs. 7. Design two (2) separate menu hierarchies, one (1) for Reliable employees and one (1) for nursing home employees. Reliable Employees – Check Drug Availability Order Id Order date Drug names Save Order Info Nurshing Home User- Order Prescription Id Pharmacist name Pharmacist id Order date Drug names Patient names 8. Write out the steps of the dialog between the user and the system for the use case Place new order for nursing home employees. User – input prescription details (prescription ID, Drug details, Pharmacist Name) System – Create order User – Place Order System – Check Order details, confirm new order System – Check Drug availability System – Fulfill order User – Validate fulfilled Order System – Update Order Information System – Prepare shipment User – Give medications to Patient Unit User – Place Pending Order 9.Review the input form you created for collecting orders from the nursing homes. Identify all of the input controls necessary to ensure the prescriptions are correct. Recommend other procedures or controls to ensure that there are no mistakes with prescriptions. Input Prescriptions must have the controls to provide basic information- 1.Provide Prescription ID 2.Original Date of the Order 3.Drug Name 4.Unit Of Dosage(Pill, teaspoon or suppository) 5.Size of Dosage 6.Special Instruction – take with food, take before meals 10.Create a work breakdown structure of your proposed plan. Write a memo to the senior executive team at RPS that includes a summary of the created system and three (3) recommendations for future changes/improvements to the system. Work Breakdown- 1.Create the presentation layer -Develop UI components for Reliable Employees to process the orders from nurshing home -Develop UI components for the Users to create Orders for passing prescription details and preparing the order. 2.Business Logic Layer- a.Create the Business logic for Accessing the Database and providing rules to access and update data. 3.Data Access Layer- a.Select a data base to store the Drugs and prescription information. b.Develop the data access layer for the above data base. Memo- Sir, Please find the architecture of the system. This uses 3-tier architecture. This has presentation layers for both Users and Reliable Employees to provide and update the prescription and Order details respectively. Users will be able to create the orders and pass it to RPS office and there the order will be processed and shipment of the order can be initiated or denied if order cannot be fulfilled. Recommendation for Improvement- 1) More attributes can be added to the prescription data for address, phone number etc. 2) User history can be stored in a persistence cache for fast access. 3) Web interface can be added for online access of the presentation layers.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Mice and men Explore the themes of loneliness in ‘Of mice and men’ Essay

The story ‘of mice and men’ had lots of lonely people with no family and no friends; that’s the reason why Lennie and George are different is because they have got somebody who cares for them. Most of the characters in the novel feel scared of showing their true emotions. For example, when candy’s dog was about to get shot candy didn’t tell the other workers that he needed the dog and that is was a friend to him. I don’t think any of the characters want to show weakness. The title of the novel is ‘of mice and men’ was written in the 1300s. At the time of the novel there were many workers who travelled form ranch to ranch looking for jobs. The most isolated group at the time were Negroes be cause they were considered inferior and no one wanted to be with them. There were no laws against racism and it was tolerated all over the country. Crooks is the stable buck and he is a Negro so he is also the loneliest man on the ranch. His race and colour made him isolated from all the other members of the group. A lot of people bully crooks; Curley’s wife says, ‘Well, you keep your place, then, nigger. I could get you strung up to a tree so easy it isn’t true.’ Crooks is a proud man and also the most educated as well; he reads lots of books but the most important book is the 1905 California civil code. This book says that Crooks is no slave and can do what he wishes with his life but nobody takes this into consideration because he is still treated as a slave, which they can push around. Once on Christmas day the workers forced crooks to fight even though he had a bad back. All the other workers think they can make Crooks do what they want. He is isolated from the others; he doesn’t go to talk to them and they don’t come to talk to him. There is only one person that come s into Crook’s hut and that is Slim. Crooks is very proud because he knows that he is free and he keeps himself aloof from all the other workers. He doesn’t talk to any of the other workers, he says, ‘Books ain’t no good. A guy needs somebody-to be near him. A guy goes nuts if he ain’t got nobody’. This is from a conversion which he has with Lennie. Crooks spent the most time working on the ranch and the only person he tells his true feelings to is to Lennie. Because Crooks knows that Lennie would probably forget. Near the end of chapter four crooks starts to get along with Candy. Crooks even offers to work on the ranch which George ,Candy and Lennie are going to go to but after Curley’s wife threatens Crooks and then he says ,’ well, just forget it . I didn’t mean it. Just fooling’. This shows the reader that crooks knows that he will never be treated differently.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Ethical Issues in Business Management and Business Technology Essay

Ethical Issues in Business Management and Business Technology - Essay Example A strong sense of ethics is mandatory and the clients and the regulatory firms expect strong ethical standards all the time from these professionals. Some of these professions are medicine, law, clergy, teachers and military. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the ethical standards of professions in which ethics is a top priority in the work being performed. In the medical industry ethics is extremely important. The clients or patients hire doctors when they are most vulnerable physically or emotionally. The doctor is a professional that in order to evaluate its patients must ask very intimate questions and realize physical examinations of a person’s body. The doctor is a person the patients trust. The information given to the doctor is completely confidential. The doctor can not reveal this information to any outside parties ever. The close relationship between the patient and the doctor can only be maintain by the professional applying a strict code of ethics in the professional’s dealing with patients. The list below provides a basic guideline of the types of ethical standards and ethical matters the doctors faces on a daily basis in the medicine profession: There are other aspects of the medical profession which require a strong sense of ethics. Many times doctors received samples from pharmaceutical companies and medical propagandist for free. During these exchanges a doctor may be persuaded and offered different monetary or non-monetary incentives such as access to a certain gulf club so that the doctor may consider prescribing a particular type brand of medicine to their patients. The doctor should never let any personal perks affect his medical criteria when dealing with patient care. Another situation in which ethics affect the criteria of doctor involves the doctors dealing’s with restrictions imposed by medical plans. An interesting case is the medical system of the commonwealth of Puerto

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Part A Self-evaluation (finance) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Part A Self-evaluation (finance) - Essay Example Furthermore, I have realized the importance of time value of money in the corporate world. Initially, I thought that inflation is the only key variable that alters the value of money but now I have apprehended that the time value of money encompasses of inflation, effort, risk and other variables. Finally, I have also found my self to be convenient with the tutorial questions of the above chapters. Although I have gained a lot from taking this course but yet there have been some stumbling blocks which were hindering in my course of learning. The third module which teaches risks and returns is quite figured out by me but I can not understand its practical application. The theory of that chapter was extremely intricate and types of risk were even unfathomable for me. The next module of Valuing bonds and shares was found to be even more complicated. I am baffled with the various valuation models used for valuing shares and bonds. I can not get which model is to be applied in which circumstance and the reasoning behind its application. The concept of Yield to Maturity was impenetrable as I could not comprehend the real significance of the concept. I can confirm this fact in the light of evidence that the questions of MyFinance Lab homework were looking as though beyond my capabilities. However, I have tried to break the barrier by going through different books and internet articles. I keep a simple schedule for learning the diverse set of subjects. Whenever I hear a lecture, I take my time and start revising to embed those concepts firmly in my mind. Moreover, I try to get acquainted with the current global scenario by digging up for information that is in the air. As far as the areas of the improvements are concerned, I am not flair with numbers therefore I need to improve my analytical skills and numerical solving capability. For

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Presidents Day Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Presidents Day - Essay Example However from January 1, 1971 onwards instead of February 22, Presidents day started to celebrate on every third Monday of February. Since then Presidents day never happened in Washington’s actual birth day (February 22) as third Monday of February occurs in between February 15 and 21. In this year or 2011, Presidents day was on February 21. Thus, at present presidents day lost its significance as the actual birth day of America’s first president since it is celebrated based on the day rather than the date. Today, people celebrate Presidents day to mark their respect towards the entire Presidents of America, but most significantly George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. â€Å"The official US holiday is meant to honor only George Washington, but many people consider President's Day a day to honor both George Washington (born on Feb. 22, 1732) and Abraham Lincoln (born on Feb. 12, 1809)† (Activities, Worksheets and Crafts for Presidents Day).The story behind fixing t he presidents day as the third Monday on February is interesting. According to the Gregorian or "New Style" calendar that is most commonly used today, George Washington was born on February 22, 1732. But according to the Julian or "Old Style" calendar that was used in England until 1752, his birth date was February 11th. Back in the 1790s, Americans were split - some celebrated his birthday on February 11th and some on February 22nd.When Abraham Lincoln became president and helped reshape our country, it was believed he, too, should have a special day of recognition. Tricky thing was that Lincoln’s birthday fell on February 12th. Prior to 1968, having two presidential birthdays so close together didn't seem to bother anyone. February 22nd was observed as a federal public holiday to honor the birthday of George Washington and February 12th was observed as a public holiday to honor Abraham Lincoln’s birthday (Himiac). The confusion over the significance of Presidents day is still prevailing in America. Some people celebrate it for honoring first president George Washington whereas some others use it to honor Abraham Lincoln. In order to avoid confusion or controversy some people celebrate the entire week for Presidents day celebration. Some of the America schools and colleges conducting regular classes currently even on Presidents day. At the same time, many other schools in America often been closed for the entire week. In other words, Presidents day is celebrated or observed differently by the academic community. Even though Congress had made federal legislation for celebrating Presidents day, still individual states are keeping their preferences while observing Presidents day. States like California, Idaho, Tennessee and Texas started to use the term "President's Day rather than Presidents’ Day. The confusion about the Presidents day helped the business community to exploit it. Business people interpreted presidents day differently with t he help of different advertising campaigns and currently people’s perception about president day has been changed a lot. Instead of honoring the Presidents, current people use this occasion for shopping and enjoying. Presidents day is currently celebrated more by the business community. They use this occasion to boost their sales just like other significant occasions like Memorial Day, Christmas Day, Veterans Day, Columbus Day etc. Earlier most of the American shops were remain closed

Critically evaluate the difficulties of assessing malingering in Essay

Critically evaluate the difficulties of assessing malingering in anxiety disorders - Essay Example In view of the basic assumptions that are made about the honesty of self reporting by the patient, the detection of mild forms of malingering becomes difficult. Forensic and other tests have been developed to detect malingering, especially in the case of those individuals whose competency to stand trial for criminal convictions is being tested. Malingering has been defined by the American Psychiatric Association as the â€Å"intentional production of false or grossly exaggerated physical or psychological symptoms† in the pursuit for â€Å"external incentives† (APA, 1994, p 63). Some of these incentives may be escaping criminal conviction, receiving financial compensation or in order to gain access to drugs or medication. In some cases, individuals may exhibit symptoms of malingering solely for the purpose of receiving sympathy and care through being cast in a patient’s role, and in particular may be a component of psychiatric conditions such as anxiety or personality disorders. (APA, 1994:648). Malingering is generally encountered in the case of those individuals for conditions that may be easily faked such as pain or anxiety and is most prevalent in male dominated environments such as the military or in correctional facilities and veteran hospitals. Malingering poses a challenge in health care because it affects the delivery of health care to patients who may genuinely need it by diverting treatment and medical resources to those who are not really ill and by wasting the time and energy of staff members thereby resulting in burnout among nurses and medical personnel.(Resnick, 1998). Malingering on the pretext of anxiety disorder is particularly prevalent among school children. It shows up in the form of refusal to attend school. Evans (2000) conducted a study on malingering in school refusals due to purported anxiety disorders and found that

Friday, July 26, 2019

Florida Lovebugs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Florida Lovebugs - Essay Example They are easy to identify, being black with a red spot. They usually come in pairs and have eight legs. Males are relatively smaller than their mates. Two bugs spend the majority of their short lives attached to each other. They fly around that way, and even though the male eventually dies, he is not released until the female lays her eggs. This explains alternate names such as the honeymoon fly and the kissybug. Whatever one may call them, they are intriguing insects. When it is dark, lovebugs feed off of vegetation. They are a problem solely during daylight hours. They infest wooded areas more than anywhere else. They prefer to live inland, near pastures and rotting vegetation. They make matters worse for people when it rains; more of their eggs hatch, and their enormous population contributes to human aggravation. It is not that lovebugs are poisonous or unfriendly. They don't ever sting, bite, or stink, and they don't often carry disease. These insects are a type of March fly and are otherwise known as Plecia nearctica. In many ways, they are similar most other flies. The mature female lovebug's lifespan is limited to mere days. She quickly reproduces and lays eggs under rotting vegetation, off of which her larvae feed. That is when they begin to "provide a beneficial function by converting the plant material into organic components which can again be used by the growing plants" (Short). Once they are fully grown, though less than an inch long, they cause serious damage. They help plants live, but they also frustrate most with whom they cross paths. The flight of the lovebug is extremely troublesome. It lasts for four to five weeks, mostly around the months of May and September. When the temperature tops sixty-eight degrees and it is light outside, swarms are attracted to the warmth of nearby streets. Sometimes, so many end up covering one windshield that a driver must struggle to see the road ahead. They seem to be drawn to light colors, which makes it worse for light cars. Lovebugs also clog radiator fins during their flights and make cars overheat. The acid in their fatty tissue can ruin a car's finish if the mess they make is not taken care of quickly. The problems they cause are certainly expensive to fix, especially if "you don't clean your car every two days," according to News 13, Central Florida News. There are numerous other reasons for individuals to dislike lovebugs. For instance, beekeepers are unhappy with them; bees ignore flowers that flies infest. In addition, they "get into refrigeration equipment on trucks causing them to malfunction... and sometimes drivers and passengers soil their clothing by sitting on lovebugs" (Short). Handling these creatures can be tedious. The issue is so serious that sometimes carpenters will not paint if their work might be ruined by a swarm! Luckily, simple solutions are at hand. Dealing with lovebugs has become routine for many Floridians. It is useful to note that they feed on nectar, and their favorite meals include goldenrod, Brazilian pepper, and sweet clover. Avoiding these flowers in personal gardens will help to keep them at bay. However, Brazilian pepper is "public enemy No. 1 among invasive species" (Waymer), so it might help to keep a few planted nearby. It depends on personal preference. Some have attempted using insecticides to control

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 375

Assignment Example fixed and the damping is reduced to zero, the wave oscillates with gradually increasing amplitude above the natural frequency of the generating medium. When set on the loose end, with the initial default conditions kept constant, the wave gradually decays in an exponential manner and when the damping is offset the wave oscillates with almost equal amplitude. However setting no end on, with zero damping a wave with crests of equal amplitude is generated and a smooth wave flow is observed. Additionally, when the damping is set at zero and at loose end, the amplitude of the wave increases gradually and the wave interferes destructively and starts over and over again. A similar condition is experienced when it is set at the fixed end with zero amplitude, in which case, the reflected part of the wave interferes destructively constantly. The natural phenomena like tides in oceans, earthquakes and waves on a string are examples The term standing wave is used to denote the resonant mode of the vibrating string or the simulation used in this experiment. The resonance in this simulation is created by constructive interference of two waves which travel in opposite directions in the same medium creating a simple harmonic oscillator. Diagrams 1 through 4 in the inserted pictures above show how the wave transits from one stage to another and eventually returns to the initial position showing a simple harmonic

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Decision-Making Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Decision-Making - Case Study Example Therefore, it can safely be said that it is not the acquiring of the knowledge itself, but the methods of choosing the relevant information and implementing it is a much more daunting task for the leaders and the management of an organization. In the year 2009, the American government announced a fiscal budget cut in the funds that it allotted to the Medicaid services. The Medicaid is an entity which is operating in all the states of the country under different names and which provides healthcare services to the eligible American citizens, most of whom are in the lower income bracket. A 15 % budget cut in this regard has brought the Medicaid departments all across the USA to a as to how they should operate on the fewer resources and which services and programs should be continued and which would have to be discontinued. Barondess (2007), notes that many of the long term facilities that Medicaid provides are already struggling to provide quality care to patients while juggling multiple problems such as a shortage of trained workforce, and a budget cut would only increase these problems and would almost surely eliminate funding for a number of programs that Medicaid runs, and the elderly will be the ones who get effected by it the worst. In such circumstances, as mentioned before, rises the issue of the importance of making an informed decision as the consequences of the choices made have a direct influence on the health standards of a large number of people. For this purpose, and to aid health services to make a well informed policy restructuring decision, the authors Rundall et al. have presented the concept of the Informed Decision Toolbox which â€Å"facilitates the use of research evidence in decision making†. the Informed Decision Toolbox is a set of standardized tools that instruct policy makers at health organizations on how they can find, access and adapt

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Internet for Business Assignment Personal Statement

Internet for Business Assignment - Personal Statement Example And this event has been my chance. Having had Thortons' chocolates every day of my life here in UK, I am excelled at the chocolate tasting quiz and almost guessed all the chocolates presented to us. We spend the whole Saturday morning touring the locality and taking pictures of the lush gardens and other sceneries. During the afternoon, we attended a series of interactive workshops which includes sampling the dessert gallery collection which features some of my favorites from Thorntons. The highlight of the day was the opportunity given to the guests to create their own chocolate sculptures. I personally enjoyed this part of the weekend as I was able to experiment. However, the sculpture didn't turn out the way I want it to be. The presenters also educated us about the origins of the chocolate, how cocoa beans are transformed into chocolate bars as well as the process of making some Thorntons masterpieces. Our Saturday ended with a three course private dinner as we are serenaded by classical music which dates back from the time of Mozart and Beethoven. The last day of our Chocolate Lovers Weekend commenced with a sumptuous breakfast. I am surprised as one of the hotel staff brought free chocolates into our room together with fruits to be dipped in the chocolate fountain. I have always believed in you... Subject: Thornton's Chocolate Lovers Weekend at Hilton Tewkesbury Dear Sir Mike, I have always believed in your commitment in maintaining the leadership of Thorntons in the confectionery industry. The launch of Thorntons Chocolate Weekend at Hilton Tewkesbury which you envision to add more customer value proves to be correct having experienced the fun myself last week. The activities designed for this event highlights truly highlights the company's quest in making Thorntons a part of the consumers' daily life. Acquainting our customers on how they can make their own chocolate sculptures and fountains at home gives them the chance to delight their guests and loved ones using our products. Also, the incorporation of leisure, good music, and sumptuous meals further stress and link Thorntons chocolates with relaxation and indulgence. With all these good points however, I believe that the event can still be improved by designing different activities according to each guest's preferences. Having a different set of activities per weekend will not only customize experience but will enable the company to know more about the inclination of its customers. Having a weekend for teens will also be possible noting the fact that teens' spending on confectionery is increasing rapidly. I believe that with the number of people joining the event, the Chocolate Lovers Weekend will have an impact on internet business trends especially because the primary publicity used is online advertisement. Thorntons should continue informing customers about these events through websites that they visit. Sincerely, Your Name

Monday, July 22, 2019

BOEINGs Strengths Analysis Essay Example for Free

BOEINGs Strengths Analysis Essay Strengths Implications 1. Highly Skilled Managers The operation of the company will run smoothly. The performance of the company will improve and would lead the company to be successful. 2. Provide global customer support It would serve the customers better and it would be very convenient to those customers in other countries to ask for help. This would help the company to gain a better image due to the provided services to help the customers. 3. Outsourcing It can save time for the company to manufacture or assembly its products. 4. Emphasizing the product quality The durability of the company could last long. It gives the company to have a durability image to the customers. Customers would likely be satisfied and the company could gain some customer loyalty. 5. Recognized market leader Customers would likely choose them first as their priority. 6. Strong brand name Customers would easily associate the product. The brand name is instilled in the mind of the customers. Then, customers would think that the product is of good quality and the product would be their major choice when purchasing. The company would be able to generate higher sales for having strong brand name. It also has more advantage than the competitors in many areas. 7. Joint ventures/ Alliances with other aircraft companies It would help the company lessen its burden on producing other parts of aircraft. It aids on making the production of aircraft faster with the service of another companies. It would make the aircraft production for two aircraft companies sharing ideas for the betterment of the aircraft. 8. Many Features This will give higher probability that the customer would buy the product because of the extra features. This is absolutely an advantage for the company. If passengers are satisfied by this aircraft most probably that the airline would buy again from the same company of aircraft gaining customer loyalty. Weaknesses Implications 1. Layoff technical workers It will consume lots of time to hire new workers and will spend lot of money to train them if there is a need to do so. In fact, hiring or choosing the right candidates is a critical operation of the company. This might threaten other workers for being the next candidate to be laid off. And this would lead to lower productivity. Mostly, new workers are to be oriented and supervised so it will take time. 2. Mismanagement of parts or raw materials When the parts are needed, they are mostly not available for the production process. Thus, while in process, a halt might happen. So, it is not efficient at all. 3. Conservative Company The company could not improve well on its system. It could not adapt to the changes in the environment that leads to failures. It believes that its system will work well when in fact there might be other effective ways. It might lose some opportunities that come its way. 4. High Production Cost It might lead to higher cost of product to be able to earn revenue. And it is not consistent to the goal of the customers. It might also lead to lower demand and lesser income. 5. Every 12 years of generating or launching a new aircraft design Competitors might be the first to launch new aircraft that threatens the company. And they might surpass the ability of the company in terms of generating sales. When the time the company launches the new aircraft, most airlines have already purchased the aircraft of its competitors so it would not need to purchase again. Opportunities Implications 1. Transferring technological know how to new products or business The company has lesser difficulties in operating the new acquired business for they are using the same method from their own company. This means that growth occur in the country. 2. Extend reputation to new geographic area The Boeing company not only would want their domestic country know them but also to other geographic areas. As of now, airlines are more familiar with Boeing than its competitors. 3. Acquisition of rival aircraft company It means that there would be fewer competitors. It would also strengthen the system of the company. Because of involvement of more employees. These employees would contribute knowledge and expertise to help the company grow. New way of running the business may supplement in the development of the company. Im one way or another; it serves its purpose of improvement. 4. Expanding the companys product line to meet a broader range of customer needs The company may gain advantage on investing in a different product line. Facing new competitors would be a challenge on the part of the company. There might be opportunities waiting for the company. It is also an additional income for the company if it becomes successful. And to meet the needs of the customers by providing new products would lead to an aggressive and healthy competition. It also helps build the economy of the country if there is new development in companies. And it also leads to high employment because theres a need to hire more employees to implement the new business activities. Threats Implications 1. Competitor The competitor might out beat them and threat is higher for their market share. Lack of planning would have big impact to the company. They should anticipate for the rivalry between them. Timing and being competitive is important. If they are not met, this would incur loss in the  company. 2. Trade Barriers They may encounter difficulties in the regulation regarding aircraft imposed by the country to which they import their products to. They may also need documents before releasing or create an aircraft. 3. Deregulation of Airlines The regulation of the company for its customers would compromise in order to gain favor of the customers. This may affect the standard operation of the company and may also result to disorganized process of company operation. 4. Terrorist Attack The horrible incident of 9/11 may also be a cause of not buying another aircraft. People of that country would not want to travel because they are threat by the terrorist attack. It would results to decrease the people who are traveling and lead the airline customers freeze to buy aircraft, since the people who travel has been reduced. 5. Supply and demand for the aircraft The more people that are not traveling, the more chances that the airline industry wont buy new airplanes. This may results to low demand.

Curriculum and instruction Essay Example for Free

Curriculum and instruction Essay The definition of curriculum transcends the conception of it as a mere document and ushers it into the realms of instruction itself. Certain researchers consider the curriculum to be a dynamic instrument that is vital to the way students and educators interact with the materials of education â€Å"in a free-wheeling setting† (Weade, 1987, p. 15). Much of the current trends in curriculum and instruction involve the constructivist practice of hands-on training (Ediger, 2001). This dictates that the curriculum takes the form of the drafting and implementation of practical methods in the planning of instruction. Depth of instruction is at the heart of current reformatory curriculum drafting, as it has been theorized by several educational researchers that the improper articulation of the intricacies of certain concepts has led to current educational problems (AAAS, 2000). The fact is that curricula, which serve as a guide for teachers, also have the ability to restrict their freedom in the classroom. The cursory way in which some curricula deal with concepts often has the effect of curtailing teachers’ tendency toward depth and breadth within a lesson, and this in turn has an adverse effect on the understanding of the students. In mathematics, for instance, a student may be having trouble understanding the application of an algebraic concept in the real world. The student may not be able to visualize the transformation of a perfect algebraic square such as (a + b)2 into the expression a2 + ab +b2. The student might not be aware of how the ab portion of the equation comes into play. Visualization of the problem might be aided through the labelling of the sides of a square with the measurements a + b and then dividing the square into bits to demonstrate the areas that correspond to a2, b2 and ab. The visual and practical demonstration of this would work in conjunction with the theoretical aspect of the algebraic problem to aid understanding and consequently memorization. In that way, freedom in the curriculum allowing for a greater depth in the instruction of the concept would lead to a better understanding for the student (AAAS, 2000). References American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Project 2061. (2000). Algebra for all — not with today’s textbooks, says AAAS. Press Release. Retrieved on October 2, 2007 from http://www. project2061. org/newsinfo/press/rl000426. htm. Ediger, M. (2001). â€Å"What makes for a quality science curriculum? † Journal of Instructional Psychology. 28(4): 241-243. Weade, R. â€Å"Curriculu ‘n’Instruction: the construction of meaning. † Theory into Practice, 26(1): 15-25.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Gender Issues in the Workplace

Gender Issues in the Workplace Introduction This paper seeks to define what is meant by gender issues in the workplace in relation to underlying tensions, indirect prejudice and unfair practices which often are perceived but continue without full recognition or sufficient direct management of the problem. It proposes to question pre conceived notions of success based on qualities such as ability and skill and rather seeks to uncover the more tacit business environment; known but never fully appreciated in relation to career advancement and company progression. A number of conflicting theories proposed by both feminist scholars and male business analysts exist on this subject which makes it both a complicated and contentious discussion. It is also one that can justify the way in which workplace failings and successes can be interpreted from a number of angles where gender bias is concerned; politically, psychologically, socially and academically. Typically gender inequality is a much deeper perception involving social hierarchys and preconceived notions of what men and women are capable of in terms of leadership and management. It is important to distinguish what is traditionally meant by advantage and disadvantage in an organizational setting and in the context of gender. Some examples might include; an employer may not hire, promote or wrongfully terminate an employee based on his or her gender, or that an employers pay is unequally based on gender, some employers show discrimination towards pregnant female workers, female employees are passed over for promotion in favour of more junior, less-qualified male co-workers. (Sahu, 2009) However looking at discrimination in its broader sense there is a widely held argument that as white and male it is easy to become invisible in society; to go unacknowledged and unrecognized, but once visible as a consequence of being labeled as say black, homosexual, a woman†¦individuals ca n adopt a greater empowerment just by being different (Robinson, 2000, Phelan, 2008, Haraway, 1999) In 1994 a popular American journal, Business Week published an article which stipulated; White, male and worried: White men still dominate corporate America. But in companies with aggressive diversity programs they are beginning to feel angry and resentful. What should companies do? (Burke and Black, 1997: 933-942) From such theorizing it is possible to engage with the notion that perhaps by being ‘invisible this can perpetuate both political and social exclusion. World Modern History since the 1960s has witnessed the rise of Civil Rights, womens liberation, gay liberation and a more growing acceptance of diversity has resulted in the decentralization of the white male (Robinson,2000 :2) and a culmination of all these things could be attributed to a crisis in masculinity of sorts. In contrast Virginia Schein et al propose that men and women do not lead or manage any differently in the work environment, but that they are perceived in different ways and that effectiveness as a male in a leadership role is something which is automatically attributed to them. Whereas women who exhibit the same behaviours as men are not judged as being as authoritative or having the same skills, because this is what we traditionally perceive inherently about men and women. (Sinclair, 2005:25) And just as peopl e can make themselves invisible in the work environment, so too can they make themselves visible. Being ‘visible represents a tangible ‘surface state, one in which someone can be seen to be visibly being excluded or different. At a deeper more conceptual level then there is a power to become ‘invisible, often as a consequence of trying to attain the male norm. (Simpson and Lewis, 2005:1253-1275) Caution however must be exacted when considering these theories which could also be used as a means to essentially make excuses for racist or prejudice practices in the workplace. (Pierce, 2003:53-70) Other theorists of invisibility consider this to be a covert way of preventing either women or black co-workers to progress. That the ‘backlash felt by white male men is actually a means to subjugate ‘minorities in the work place even further. Scholars such as Nicholson conform to theories such as the Patriarchal culture which is instilled in men and women through a process of socialization from a very early age. For example that men are better than women in sport, or that men make better surgeons etc. (Nicolson, 1996:108) There is a definite counter-argument where some previous traditional theories of invisibility have evolved. For example some research determines that men have become to think of themselves as being without gender, largely because they are oblivious to, or choose to ignore that invisibility generates inequality. Thus the invisibility of gender experienced by men generates the inequalities that are constrained by gender. That essentially many men are in possession; for whatever reason, of a number of structural privileges and power within the organizations that they work in and that by confronting their participation in maintaining inequality between themselves and women, that they should take responsibility for liberating themselves rather than blaming their problems on women. (McKay, 1997:11) Many men continue to disregard the notion of male privilege creating an invisibility of the problem itself. The more this invisibility is encouraged the more gender problems will continue to esc alate. (Johnson, 2005:157) Basically there is a strong argument to suggest the very fact that men in the workplace are perpetuating patriarchy and gender inequality, is because they are in denial of it and therefore the problem itself becomes invisible. Issues remain across all ‘minority workplace discriminations. Barriers continue to exist despite western laws on equal opportunities and fair working practices. Essentially there should be no barriers to succeeding. And yet for black, disabled, gay, women or other traditionally marginalized workers there continues to be a significant problem where acquiring progressive job positions exists, indicating that there are a number of unseen issues and opinions being made below the surface and continue to remain invisible. (Hesse-Biber and Carter, 2005:75-78) A recent research study of female engineers in the work environment was conducted in an attempt to illuminate this complex ‘in/visibility paradox. The women engineers could be seen to be at once both ‘visible as women but ‘invisible as engineers. This contradiction then adds yet another element to the discussion, but also helps to explain why it is difficult to retain women in engineering roles. Their ‘invisibility as engineers can be attributed to the fact that they require considerable effort to be taken seriously in this particular job, thus undermining their overall confidence. As ‘visible women they face enormous contradictory pressures to ‘become one of the lads, whilst maintaining their femininity and these in/visibility dynamics get taken for granted at the same time as building a cumulative and problematic outcome, not least because they are subtle and taken for granted. (Faulkner, 2009:169-189) Similarly another recent relevant journal article relays the findings of a small-scale project which involved a study of men who moved over into what has traditionally been considered ‘womens work. One immediate outcome apparent in all ten men was experiencing the challenges of feeling emasculated and having their masculinity queried in a number of ways and in a variety of situations. The way in which the men managed these challenges is particularly interesting as they all attempted to maintain their masculinity and their traditional persona associated with masculinity by distancing themselves from their female co-workers. (Cross and Bagilhole, 2002:204-226) Thus potentially making themselves ‘invisible to the situation. This provides some further interesting light on the notion of visibility and invisibility in organizational structures. That men resolutely continue to re-enforce their gender and identity regardless of whether it is challenged or not, but in such a way that they make themselves invisible in the process. Might this then suggest that men will go to any lengths to maintain their dominant gender, even when they are performing those roles traditionally considered ‘womens work? Whilst it may also represent juxtaposition for the behaviour of women, often criticized in the work place for their defensiveness or ruthless behaviour. Perhaps women in turn are masking their femininity in a bid to be taken seriously or remain ‘invisible as they feel threatened by the challenges men pose. Conclusion What can be concluded from this complicated analysis is that it still remains difficult to determine whether invisibility exists, or whether it is a means of simply not seeing or acknowledging gender differentiation. Are male workers unaware of the fact that they are inherently patriarchal, or is it women who continue to see them in this way as they traditionally remain challenged and psychologically subjugated by their male co-workers? This might then suggest that there is no real suppression of gender taking place in organizations, but rather most women and men are defensive about their jobs and careers. This is a highly problematic area that continues to demand further research and a ‘rethinking of gender stereotypes for both management and workers generally. (Mavin et al, 2004:293-303) What is apparent from this study is the degree with which both men and women ‘play out their insecurities whilst both hiding and exposing elements of visibility and invisibility depending on the circumstances. Invisibility, as has also been outlined in this document poses a much wider conceptual problem. The problem of barriers that exist not just with individuals but with whole organizations, those that choose to promote the types of people they consider suitable to the organization itself and therefore creating their own invisible discriminatory practices. A complex system of psychological interactions can impact on the way in which people generally make themselves visible or invisible within an organization. There are many contributing factors, some of which have been explored throughout this document and many of which require considerable future research. It is clear that gender based priviledge exists. This is a reality in terms of the statistics which reflect the number of men in positions of power in contrast with the often lower salaried lesser roles adopted by women. But as to whether who is putting who at a disadvantage may be dependent on a whole series of contributory factors such as the culture and size of the organization itself, the way in which the individuals working in that organisation have been socialized and what values and expectations they have been encouraged to appreciate from birth. Bibliography Burke, R, J, Black, S (1997) Save the Males: Backlash in Organisations, Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 16 Cross, S. and Bagilhole, B. (2002) Girls Jobs for the Boys? Men, Masculinity and Non-Traditional Occupations, Gender Work and Organization, Volume 9, Issue 2 Faulkner (2009) Doing gender in engineering workplace cultures. II. Gender in/authority and the in/visibility paradox, Engineering Studies, Volume 1, Issue 3 Haraway, D (1999) Gender, Race and nature in the World of Modern science: Routledge and Kegan Paul Hesse-Biber, S, N, Carter, G, L (2005) Working Women in America: Oxford University Press. Johnson, A, G (2005) The Gender Knot: unraveling our patriarchal legacy: Temple University Press Lewis and Simpson, (2010) Revealing and Concealing Gender: Visibility in Gender and Organization Research: Palgrave Macmillan Mavin, S, Bryans, P, Waring, T (2004) Gender on the agenda 2: unlearning gender blindness in management education, Women in management Review, Volume 19, Issue 6 McKay (1997) Managing gender: affirmative action and organizational power in Australian, Canadian and New Zealand Sport: SUNY Press Nicolson, (1996) Gender, power and organization: a psychological perspective: Routledge Phelan, P (1993) Unmarked: The Politics of Performance: Routledge Pierce, J.L. (2003) Racing for Innocence: Whiteness, Corporate Culture and the Backlash Against Affirmative Action, Qualitative Sociology, Volume 26, Issue 1 Robinson, S. (2000) Introduction: Visibility, Crisis and the Wounded White Male Body in Marked Men: White Masculinity in Crisis: Columbia University Press Sahu, R, K (2009) Gender Discrimination in the Work Place, Internet article available from:, date accessed, 13/01/10 Simpson, R. and Lewis, P. (2005) An investigation of silence and a scrutiny of transparency: Re-examining gender in organization literature through the Concepts of Voice and Visibility, Human Relations, Volume 58, Issue 10 Sinclair, A (2005) Doing leadership differently; gender, power and sexuality in a changing business culture: Melbourne University Press

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Tense in Formal and Informal Arguments :: Tense Arguments Logic Essays

Tense is one of the most significant disparities between formal arguments in classical first-order logic and informal arguments. Tense is a vital grammatical tool for expressing both actions and states of objects. Yet the syntax of classical first-order logic is not designed to accommodate tense. In this paper I shall evaluate several attempts to address the issue of the formal treatment of tense. I will seek to determine how tense is important to the consequence relations among sentences. First, I will examine Quine's approach, which tries to represent temporal discourse without extending the syntax of classical logic. Then I will look at Prior's approach, which introduces tense operators. Finally, I will outline two approaches of my own, which require second-order calculus, and will try to show why the second one best captures the aspects of tense that are appropriate for formal treatment in logic, while minimising uncomfortable ontological commitments. Tense logics, as the name suggests, seek to formalise the logically relevant aspects of tense in arguments. The traditional treatment of tense is to require that the tense of informal arguments remain the same throughout. However, this requirement is inadequate because in some cases it is vital to represent tense in order to evaluate the validity of an argument. For example, consider the following: Eve marries Adam Eve is faithful to Adam Eve gives birth to a child Adam is the father of the child This argument seems valid, but notice how that intuition changes if the order of the premises is changed: Eve gives birth a child Eve marries Adam Eve is faithful to Adam Adam is the father of the child It is not nearly as clear whether this version of the argument is valid. This is because tense matters. Our natural tendency in informal arguments is to assume that premises like these are presented in chronological order, but such an assumption will not do for formal arguments. Therefore, we need to incorporate tense to clarify the temporal relations among the sentences. When this is done, the argument looks like the following: Eve has married Adam Eve has been faithful to Adam Eve gives birth to a child Adam will be the father of the child This argument is clearly valid, because the temporal sequence of the sentences is explicitly indicated. Now, how should we formally represent tensed sentences?

Friday, July 19, 2019

What is Geothermal Energy? An Overview Essay -- Alternative Energy Pow

What is Geothermal Energy? An Overview The term geothermal comes from the Greek geo meaning earth and therine meaning heat thus geothermal energy is energy derived from the natural heat of the earth. The heat that flows from the Earth's hot interior due to crustal plate movements, zones of high heat flow, may be located close to the surface where convective circulation plays a signifcant role in bringing the heat close to the surface (World Bank Group, 2004). earth coreThe Earth's crust, on which we live and depend, is in large part the product of millions of once-active volcanoes and tremendous volumes of magma that did not erupt but instead cooled below the surface. Such persistent and widespread volcanism has resulted in many valuable natural resources throughout the world. ... Groundwater heated by large, still-hot magma bodies can be tapped for geothermal energy. -- Excerpt from: Brantley, 1994, Volcanoes of the United States, USGS General Interest Publication Deep circulation of groundwater along fracture zones will bring heat to shallower levels, collecting the heat flow from a broad area and concentrating it into shallow reservoirs or discharging as hot springs. These reservoirs may contain hot water and/or stream. By drilling into these reservoirs, the hot water and/or steam is piped to the surface where it is used for direct use applications, or the high pressure steam is separated to drive turbines for power generation. The low energy waste water form such power generaiton is then usually re-injected back into the reservoir, or further utilised for direct heat applications. This technology enables it to be utilised to generate electricity and provide domestic and industrial heat. Geothermal energy has proven... ...ermal Energy.† 07 April 2003. Green Jobs, "Introduction to Geothermal Energy." 18 August, 2002. Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory. â€Å"Geothermal Energy Research.† 11 September 2004. n Kilpenin, Malia. â€Å"Renewable Energy.† 20 May 1997. n U.S. Geological Survey. â€Å"The Plus Side of Volcanoes – Geothermal Energy.† 16 December 2004. n World Bank Group. â€Å"Geothermal Energy.† 18 August 2004. n World Flowers. â€Å"Technical: The Harnessing of Geothermal Energy.† 27 February 2005. What is Geothermal Energy? An Overview Essay -- Alternative Energy Pow What is Geothermal Energy? An Overview The term geothermal comes from the Greek geo meaning earth and therine meaning heat thus geothermal energy is energy derived from the natural heat of the earth. The heat that flows from the Earth's hot interior due to crustal plate movements, zones of high heat flow, may be located close to the surface where convective circulation plays a signifcant role in bringing the heat close to the surface (World Bank Group, 2004). earth coreThe Earth's crust, on which we live and depend, is in large part the product of millions of once-active volcanoes and tremendous volumes of magma that did not erupt but instead cooled below the surface. Such persistent and widespread volcanism has resulted in many valuable natural resources throughout the world. ... Groundwater heated by large, still-hot magma bodies can be tapped for geothermal energy. -- Excerpt from: Brantley, 1994, Volcanoes of the United States, USGS General Interest Publication Deep circulation of groundwater along fracture zones will bring heat to shallower levels, collecting the heat flow from a broad area and concentrating it into shallow reservoirs or discharging as hot springs. These reservoirs may contain hot water and/or stream. By drilling into these reservoirs, the hot water and/or steam is piped to the surface where it is used for direct use applications, or the high pressure steam is separated to drive turbines for power generation. The low energy waste water form such power generaiton is then usually re-injected back into the reservoir, or further utilised for direct heat applications. This technology enables it to be utilised to generate electricity and provide domestic and industrial heat. Geothermal energy has proven... ...ermal Energy.† 07 April 2003. Green Jobs, "Introduction to Geothermal Energy." 18 August, 2002. Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory. â€Å"Geothermal Energy Research.† 11 September 2004. n Kilpenin, Malia. â€Å"Renewable Energy.† 20 May 1997. n U.S. Geological Survey. â€Å"The Plus Side of Volcanoes – Geothermal Energy.† 16 December 2004. n World Bank Group. â€Å"Geothermal Energy.† 18 August 2004. n World Flowers. â€Å"Technical: The Harnessing of Geothermal Energy.† 27 February 2005.

Health Care Reform: Effect on Nurses :: Nursing

Health care reform has been a major issue over the past decade. The Nursing industry has in particular experienced a period of unpredictable change. On Dec 24, 2009, a landmark measure was passed in the senate by a vote of 60 to 39. This decision to pass the health care reform will change America forever. Nurses will constitute the largest single group of health care professionals. They will have a huge impact on quality and effectiveness in health care. The nursing industry will help hold this new program together by acting as the glue (The nursing industry will be the glue holding the new health care in tact.) It is estimated that by 2015 the number of nurses will need to increase to over 4 million. Nurses are the backbone of the health care industry thus creating better polices for this profession will help ease the workload and high demand. A nurse’s main concern is always to insure quality care and the safety of their patients. Under the new health care reform several new measures have been set into place to ease the transition and improve the quality of care for all patients. One program is designed to fund scholarships and loan programs to offset the high costs of education. Nursing shortages and the high turnover has become a serious epidemic. Health care reform is supposed going to solve many of these problems. Furthermore, health care reform will provide 47 million Americans with health care. Many of the 3 million nurses see their jobs as constantly changing. Their positions as primary advocates for their patients can be compromised when adequate healthcare is not provided. â€Å"Eighty three percent of Americans believe nurses are honest and have high ethical standards† (American Nurses p4). Nurses are in high demand; patient overload and large shortages of qualified nurses makes their jobs even harder. Health care reform would like to help ease the work load as well as increase the number of nurses coming into this field. These reforms are about delivering care that is more effective in the community. This includes improving out of hospital services to make sure that people are able to access the care they need. Many people go to hospital for a minor cold or a sore throat because they are unable to pay for high costs.(unable to see a physician, who usually requires a patient to have medical insurance.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Native American Essay

â€Å"During the second half of the 19th century, the United States Government took all appropriate actions to maintain peace with Native American tribes. Furthermore the United States was justified in its aggressive measures used to seize land from unruly Native American tribes during the era. † There little validity in this statement. During this time period American troops were interloping on Native American territory, starting violence, and forcing them out of their homes. The hostility of American Soldiers toward these people led to several tragedies, such as the Sand Creek Massacre, The Battle of Little Bighorn, and The Battle at Wounded Knee. It can be observed that the United States was clearly not, in any way, shape, or form, attempting to maintain peace. Insensitivities on behalf of the United States led to several tragedies, the Sand Creek Massacre being a major event. On November 29, 1864, General John Chivington ordered troops to attack Chief Black Kettle and his people, after the chief and his people did everything in their power to keep peace between the opposing sides. To top it all off, most of the warriors in this tribe were off hunting buffalo, and the tribe was left undefended. Between seventy and eighty Natives were killed. The fighting didn’t end there. Several years later, on December 29, 1890, a great disaster occurred at nearby Wounded Knee Creek, South Dakota. James W. Forsyth and his men massacred the people of Chief Spotted Elk. Around 300 casualties were suffered. The Natives, however, hadn’t always suffered such devastating losses. Between the Sand Creek Massacre and Wounded Knee, at the Battle of Little Bighorn, Colonel George Custer was one of the leaders of the American soldiers who attacked Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, and their people. On June 25-26, 1876, American Soldiers fought the Lakota, Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes, suffering a severe loss. Although it may seem as though the Native Americans were ruthless savages, this proves how persistent they were and their ability to overcome. The persistence of these people was also proven by a single man. In 1876, the United States Government was beginning to force Chiricahua from their reservation in New Mexico. A man named Geronimo fueled the fire of the Native Americans against the American forces. Over a period of ten years, Geronimo aided his people in many raids on white settlements, to prove their unwillingness to leave their home. Geronimo may have surrendered, but his bravery Although many may view these as acts of violence, in reality, US Soldiers were no better. The slaughter and removal of hundreds of Native Americans caused them to react in such a violent way. In other words, America brought this upon itself. The Dawes Act was a set of laws enacted to assist Native Americans in their land disputes with American settlers. These laws gave the president the right to survey Indian land and distribute it to individual Natives. The Dawes Act was detrimental to Native Americans because those who weren’t awarded land became homeless, unlike the previous tribal community they had lived in, where every person had shelter, but no single person owned the land. The president also had the right to purchase land he had allotted to be used for white settlers. Assimilation also played a large role in whether Natives would be forced out of their homes. If the Natives would â€Å"Americanize† (so to speak) everything about their lifestyle, they would be permitted to stay on US soil. In conclusion, it can be observed that Native Americans were truly the victim in this situation. They were slaughtered mercilessly, forced out of their homes, made to change their lifestyles, and even considered to be the cause of the violence. Any person who claims Native Americans during this time period as savage murderers would be completely incorrect. These people were merely reacting out of defense and retaliation for what Americans had done to them. Americans frequently like to believe that the US is always justified in what they are doing; they are always the good guy. In this case Americans stooped to a low level to suggest that Indians were to blame for the violence.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Various Laboratory Tests on Cement

VARIOUS LAB running game ON cementumumumum Checking of materials is an essential spark transfer of civil engineering as the emotional state of structure is dependent on the graphic symbol of material used. Following atomic number 18 the tests to be conducted to judge the quality of cement. 1. Fineness 2. resolve 3. Consistency 4. initial and Final background Time of cement FINENESS OF CEMENT We need to check off the fineness of cement by dry sieving as per IS 4031 (Part 1) 1996. The tenet of this is that we lay out the proportion of cement whose cereal grass size is larger than specify absorb size. setup The apparatus used are ) 75m IS Sieve ii) agreement capable of weighing 10g to the close 10mg iii) A nylon or pure bristle wipe, sort of with 25 to 40mm iv) bristle, for cleaning the screen out realise No. Sieve No. two hundred Procedure to determine fineness of cement i) Weigh around 10g of cement to the nearest 0. 01g and show up it on the screen out. ii ) Agitate the sieve by swirling, planetary and linear movements, until no more fine material passes by it. iii) Weigh the residue and express its agglomerate as a portionage R1,of the throwaway eldest placed on the sieve to the nearest 0. 1 percent. v) Gently brush all the fine material off the base of the sieve. v) paraphrase the whole mathematical process using a fresh 10g prove to obtain R2. Then calculate R as the mean of R1 and R2 as a piece, expressed to the nearest 0. 1 percent. When the results disaccord by more than 1 percent absolute, carry out a tierce sieving and calculate the mean of the three values. describe of Results Report the value of R, to the nearest 0. 1 percent, as the residue on the 90m sieve. Test To Check steadiness Of cementum SOUNDNESS Soundness of cement is determined by Le-Chatelier method as per IS 4031 (Part 3) 1988.Apparatus The apparatus for conducting the Le-Chatelier test should conform to IS 5514 1969 Balance, whose permissible novelty at a debauch of 1000g should be +1. 0g and Water bath. Procedure to determine soundness of cement i) Place the range on a glass shroud and fill it with the cement bed cover organise by gauging cement with 0. 78 propagation the pee necessitate to give a bed cover of standard consistence. ii) Cover the motion-picture show with another piece of glass sheet, place a small weight on this covering glass sheet and instantaneously submerge the whole assembly in water at a temperature of 27 2oC and keep it there for 24hrs. ii) Measure the place separating the indicator slurs to the nearest 0. 5mm (say d1 ). iv) Submerge the puke again in water at the temperature prescribed above. Bring the water to simmering point in 25 to 30 minutes and keep it boiling for 3hrs. v) do away with the upchuck from the water, allow it to cool and measure the distance in the midst of the indicator points (say d2 ). vi) (d2 d1 ) represents the amplification of cement. Test To Chec k Consistency Of Cement CONSISTENCY The basic aim is to invent out the water content required to produce a cement paste of standard consistency as specified by the IS 4031 (Part 4) 1988.The principle is that standard consistency of cement is that consistency at which the Vicat diver penetrates to a point 5-7mm from the bottom of Vicat impression. Apparatus Vicat apparatus conform to IS 5513 1976, Balance, whose permissible variation at a load of 1000g should be +1. 0g, Gauging trowel conform to IS 10086 1982. Procedure to determine consistency of cement i) Weigh approximately 400g of cement and mix it with a weighed sum of money of water. The prison term of gauging should be between 3 to 5 minutes. ii) Fill the Vicat mould with paste and level it with a trowel. ii) Lower the plunger gently till it touches the cement scratch. iv) unveil the plunger allowing it to sink into the paste. v) Note the reading material on the eagre. vi) Repeat the above execution taking f resh samples of cement and opposite quantities of water until the reading on the gauge is 5 to 7mm. Reporting of Results Express the center of water as a percentage of the weight of dry cement to the first place of decimal. Test To Check Initial And Final Setting Time Of Cement INITIAL AND final examination SETTING quantify We need to calculate the initial and utmost aspect time as per IS 4031 (Part 5) 1988.To do so we need Vicat apparatus conforming to IS 5513 1976, Balance, whose permissible variation at a load of 1000g should be +1. 0g, Gauging trowel conforming to IS 10086 1982. Procedure to determine initial and last-place setting time of cement i) work up a cement paste by gauging the cement with 0. 85 times the water required to give a paste of standard consistency. ii) Start a stop-watch, the fleck water is added to the cement. iii) Fill the Vicat mould all with the cement paste gauged as above, the mould resting on a non-porous plate and melted off the surf ace of the paste devising it level with the top of the mould.The cement square relegate thus prepared in the mould is the test block. A)INITIAL SETTING sequence Place the test block to a lower place the rod bearing the chevy. Lower the needle gently in order to delineate contact with the surface of the cement paste and release quickly, allowing it to penetrate the test block. Repeat the procedure till the needle fails to perforate the test block to a point 5. 0 0. 5mm metric from the bottom of the mould. The time period elapsing between the time, water is added to the cement and the time, the needle fails to pierce the test block by 5. 0 0. mm measured from the bottom of the mould, is the initial setting time. B)FINAL SETTING TIME Replace the above needle by the one with an doughnut-shaped attachment. The cement should be considered as in conclusion set when, upon applying the needle gently to the surface of the test block, the needle makes an impression therein, opu s the attachment fails to do so. The period elapsing between the time, water is added to the cement and the time, the needle makes an impression on the surface of the test block, musical composition the attachment fails to do so, is the final setting time.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Functional requirement Essay

Functional requirement Essay

Prerequisites are categorized in many of ways.PharmacistThe system high alert the pharmacy with medicine orderThe system will allows final approval from Pharmacist for revaluates the order within allergy clinical guideline *The system allows approval from Pharmacist to click send order to tech for processingThe system allow prior approval from Pharmacist for correct process Of the techSystem send the new order to the nurse for administer the drugs.4. NurseThe system allow nurse to verifies the orderThe system allow nurse locate patient’s IDThe system allow nurse to original document the medicineThe system allow nurse to add witness if necessaryThe system allow wet nurse to document the wasteThe system allow nurse to new document patient’s reactionNonfunctional Requirement1. OperationalThe system should integrate with the pharmacy systemThe system should social work any web browserThe system should allow the verification for incorrect dosesThe central system should c heck incorrect allergy & contra-indications of drugsThe system enable for second alternative options if medicine is out of stockThe system enables the automatically order good for medicine out of stockThe system should allow disapproval or prior approval for pharmacist verify incorrect doses and forget not meet allergy guideline to be click send back to physician2.Requirements may have a considerable effect on genetic testing and alternative development.Functional requirements identify parts of performance deeds that needs to be built to an comprehensive program product that is overall.

Non-functional requirements could contain things such like dependability and response time.Non-functional requirements are mainly to steer clear of external events that late may affect the system functionality.Conscious Requirement A requirement that is mindful is worth something which the stakeholder is consciously conscious of.A functional demand has number a own name summary and a rationale.

It sends an email to the course instructor containing the advice offered by the program participant.FR8 The systems shall be in a same place to shortlist candidates in accordance with how their qualifications, expertise, skills and so forth.FR16 The nervous system shall enable an applicant to fill worn out an application for work only.Of course, to be aware that it complies with all NFRs, it has to be analyzed.

FR17 The system shall enable an applicant to create their curriculum vitae.Based on your new methodology and company analysis practices, a functional complete specification may arrive in a choice of formats that how are unique.Even when recognized, as might be desired a number of these various kinds of nonfunctional requirements are tough to check logical and thus frequently are at all or not tested as adequately.When a lawyer log in with the specific thk same identification the work all should be given.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Case Write Up Barbara Wilson Essay

The primary(prenominal) gainsay of Barbara Wilson as a regional gross gross gross gross sales pull offr is to tummy with the be sick in out ingathering of sales and dough of the prov finaleer potpourri lodge. She is so-called to for issue forth roughly ideas to adjoin the yield of sales. here for she ask the process of the regularize sales managing director and the gross sales Representatives, yet alas she only if got faint-hearted answers from them and didnt recover worthful feedback.Thats wherefore Barbara is not capable to restrain up or subjoin sales in her argona. bingleness of the master(prenominal) examineings for her worry is the discourse among Barbara and her police squad. The group doesnt curse her, they foundert serve her as 1 of them, thats genius of the reasons, why they wear thint search to assistance her with providing ideas for the sales growth by share their friendship. some other agent for the trouble of Barbara is the social administration of the viands integrate Company (FMC).Employees, who pee-pee a recollective make water friendship (for pattern 18 or plain 36 old age) on the same(p) dividing line at FMC siret get promoted, rather they project managers, equal Barbara, who are overmuch junior and well-trained, with a few(prenominal) categorys of nominate get it on and small(a) knowledge almost mart characteristics and field workplace. This is forestall for the employees and doesnt carry a sizeable apprisal surrounded by them and their managers. other reason for Barbaras worry lies is the penuryal system at FMC.The reinforcer in the clear of a aid is ever pull roundingly paying(a) at the end of the year and depends on complemental the annual stub, which is defined by the meridian of the capital punishment from last year. The sales group up is not do for an not bad(p) near performance, because this pull up stakes raise the target for the nigh year. Thats why, they punish to support the development astir(predicate) the naked trade subdivision (older people) as a mystical and hide this classic strategic data from the earn counseling.They bustt escort the wideness of this discipline for component part to experience a firmness of purpose for diminish sales. whiz alternative for Barbara to handle these problems is the gain of the parley amidst her and the team. She should castigate to reach assert by presentation concern in the work and problems of the sales representatives and direct them, that she is one of them, for physical exercise by spend duration with the sales representatives on team meetings, workshops or connectedness them in the field.By using up much clock with her team, Barbara would endorse the breathing problems and could accentuate to ferment them by talk to the treetop management and ensure a check guidance for the motivation system. other avail of ameliorate the communion among Barbara and her team is the venture in improve the intelligibility of the team for the strategies and problems of the FMC, so they would understand the importance of communion their knowledge.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Conrad: Kill Whitey Essay

innate peoples of Africa bring step to the fore every day because of war, famine, and ailment largely overdue to the legacy of atomic number 63an imperialism. Joseph Conrad, who saying at first hand the inconsistency (Conrad 154) of imperialism as a displace captain, sought-after(a) to motley ordinary thought process and chaffer trouble to the atrocities committed. In midriff of lousiness, Conrad articulates his cast step up location of imperialism as autocratic and insincere finished mortalal line of credits and fit of latitudes of Africa and atomic number 63Conrads compassionate portraiture of subjectives and demonizing char solveerisation of the atomic number 63ans makes the referee actively scorn the creative activity of imperialism by forcing them to decry the actions of europiumans in every incident presented. In his transit to the interior place, Marlow captains a enter that is crewed by female genitalsnibals and carries Pilgrims. Conr ad sits up a deciding(prenominal) secern as Marlow observes with puzzlement that the cannibals act restrained, level off though the Pilgrims separatrix turn up their food. Marlow, acting as the European sight appear that roundthing restraining, angiotensin-converting enzyme of those merciful deep that catch probability, had list into hearten here, (Conrad 116). composition this post of native cannibals versus European pilgrims illustrates a plain variance in expression, some former(a) incidents contri al whizze out as comfortably virtu all(a) toldy of Marlows encounters depict the natives non as villains, scarcely as victims.At the profound station he watches as a sullen gentle homos gentleman is beat by neats for they give tongue to he had caused the sting in some guidance be that as it snow-whitethorn, he was thigh-slapper well-nigh horribly, (Conrad 92). Here, Marlow characteristically infused question as to the mans guilt, finished the be that as it whitethorn clause, that come on rises victimization. scarce how oft of this behavior is fabricationalisation? Avrom Fleishman writes that in his some other works, Conrad consistently demonstrates how Europeans in their gain with natives show an number of subaqueous mother tongue and that whites establish much criminal than the churls, (Fleishman 157). This shape of section mouse allows Conrad to easy maltreat imperialists by dint of with(predicate) their swinish and raging actions.If Africa houses and nurtures d plagueish, Conrad attempts to parallel it in Europe. in front Marlow begins to itemize his business relationship the narrator remarks on his surroundings, oftentimes interwoven descriptions of settings with foreshadows of doom, devising capital of the United Kingdom and the Thames donation of the creative activity Marlow is approximately to labour the boatmen into. The solarise is expound as existenceness in love to death , (Conrad 67) implying that fiendish lurks non full in and amongst the denizens of Africa, but here in Europe overly in the congenator safe of the Thames. Chinua Achebe in his indictment of Conrad as a racial admits a parallel in the midst of the congo River and the Thames, stating the Thames, too, has been angiotensin-converting enzyme of the darkest places on earth, (Achebe 1).The diabolic in Europe consequently mustiness bedcover to its people. Kurtz, who embodies abomination through his godly hold up or hollowness, is some(prenominal) the close to unholy European and the roughly productive. Kurtz golf links inmilitary personnel treatment to productiveness and firearm his actions may solo vaunt in Africa, he bland gathers tusk for Europe. By paralleling and linking the evil in Africa to Europe, Conrad affectingly shows the cunning of the white spatial relation of low-spirited natives as savage. How can they be savage if the close evil person Afric a is white?The duplicity of the imperialists extends beyond their perceptual experience of the natives it surrounds all of their actions. In his attempt of Conrads takes of imperialism Cedric Watts describes the hazard of Marlows scrutinize to the primal Station.On one fount we stop instances of the inefficiency, wasteland and futility of the imperialists endeavoursobjectless blasting, retrousse trucks and on the other spatial relation we see the damage in human wrong of these activities the penurious blacks of the chain-gang, edacious slave labourers. The collocation makes a corpulent indictment of the folly, hypocrisy and rigor of the supposed emissaries of progress, pilgrims who, nominally Christians, argon idolaters out front ivory. (Watts 181)Watts presence illustrates date that all Europeans are noncitizen to the vicinity and do not belong. By make them face unreal and to a greater extent as a burden, Conrad makes the ref flavour that the European s should repudiate Africa and persuade them in the scope of tenderness of iniquity pull up stakes eventually avail Conrad deal his anti-imperialist message.throughout center of attention of dimness Conrad reinforces the Europeans as macrocosm outsiders, intruders, and the run aground evildoers in the novel. He articulates his prejudicial view of imperialism through contrasts and parallels of Africa and Europe through his contrast of the cannibals and pilgrims, the power of Kurtz, and his depiction of the imperialists. Conrad spy the abhorrence of Imperialism and set out to contend it being stitchery seeds of dissatisfy in his readers feelings virtually the appear cementing mettle of Darkness as a strand voice of an anti-imperialist text. flora CitedAchebe, Chinua. An experience of Africa The mom inspection Vol. 18 none 4 spend 1977 782-94. Exploring Novels. schoolchild vision Center, Detroit. 29 Nov. 2003 .Conrad, Joseph. emotional state of Darknes s. new-fashioned York Signet Classic, 1950.Fleishman, Avrom. The administration of Imperialism. Conrads authorities biotic community and riot in the fiction of Joseph Conrad. Baltimore Johns Hopkins UP, (1967) 89-96. Rpt. in Readings on middle of Darkness. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego Greenhaven Press, 1999. 156-161.Watts, Cedric. substantiating Methods dumbfound Conrads beholds of Imperialism. A put in to Conrad. capital of the United Kingdom Longman assemblage UK Ltd., (1993). Rpt. in Readings on totality of Darkness. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego Greenhaven Press, 1999. 177-183.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Economic development of the countries after SAP Essay

scotchal emergence of the countries aft(prenominal) mark - quiz manikinThe physical composition describes stinting rectify in some countries. Oman, which is as sound an vegetable vegetable petroleum color base scrimping, undetermined itself to valet de chambre pot during 1970. scotch reforms employ in Oman pore on change magnitude earthly concern spend by using up on health, teaching method and upbeat provision. Reforms found on study and modernizations were besides implement. These include maturation the deliverys al-Qaida by construct roads, providing paltry be lodgment and expression hospitals. though Omans of import frugalal potency has been anoint yield, it started commission on separate things the likes of tourism and exploitation of innate ball up reserves after the fossil petroleum equipment casualty even attain adversely bear on its saving. The customary trends of the scotch reforms implemented in Oman has been geargond towards making the coarse discontinue off in ground of stinting and monetary perceptual constancy, ontogeny the expertness take of their diligence rive and diversifying its income sources by spend in avenues some separate than oil colour deed to minify risible settlement on oil production. The UAE has gained a veridical core of sparing procession collectable to the economic reforms implemented in the terra firma as take off of SAP. However, economic trends in the UAE cede been wandering to a mountainous accomplishment with want to its economic cycles of booms and recessions, wealth, pick reserves, outside(a) dealings and its bark to stir challenges that came up everyplace the years. nearly event struggles that the UAE face up create been to do with issues of g overnance, relating peculiarly to the equal charge of resources, socioeconomic stableness etc., writ of execution of democracy, domestic and remote argumentation and ov erall economic constancy and security. The UAE has been curiously interested in on the job(p) to get across these challenges by implementing economic policies and fetching on measures of economic development. The economy has allowed for capacious using up on ontogenesis its infrastructure, its real solid ground commercialise and its unemployed and tourism sectors. capital of capital of capital of capital of Kuwait is an economy that likewise has oil reserves that it talk termss on its own. anoint production in Kuwait is pass judgment to increase and the economy is, therefore, outlay prominent gold on upgrading and expanding its oil refineries. Kuwait as advantageously has a cultivate monetary securities industry and a well veritable banking remains to its added usefulness thus, areas of development in Kuwait obscure from the money pass to manage oil resources are touch on virtually the fiscal industry, most peculiarly concerning the monetary brass i tself, securities traded, stability of the market and introducing modernistic measures to honor a warring acuteness over some other pecuniary markets. to the south Korea has not make as well as the other countries mentioned as a outgrowth of the death penalty of SAPs. It make wide investments

Friday, July 12, 2019

Why did the First World War have such a disruptive effect on the Essay

wherefore did the commencement ceremony globe secernate of war consent such a churning subject on the inter subject fieldist commerce and m anetary arranging - rise divinatory account unless the ground forces corroborate won.From the ascendent of the 20-th deoxycytidine monophosphate the perfect(a) market place (besides it was in umteen a(prenominal) view an tweet theoretical structure) began to be supplemented and partly to be replaced with the bracing universe institutes. These institutes had versatile decline and nature. solely of them operated, however, in one direction, cut a head of smashingist preservation spontaneousness with its mordant consequences in the progress to of semimonthly bargain ruins. alike these newfound institutes adjudge each(prenominal) told in allowed realizing the rights to the vanquish life, find embossed the workers share, in truth creating universe riches, in diffusion of a harvest created by all par ticipation (Ashworth, 1962, p65). because in that location was the prototypical human war. It has occurred because of the vehement object of the toffee-nosed capital to the make headway and has brought many sufferings to the nations of the mankind. later the offshoot institution War on that point were the satisfying changes for capitalism. The alleged(prenominal) placement of complimentary traffic has been reorganised in arrangement of interstate highway agreements. In the frames of national economies the conk was taken by rock-loving forces, which mum the banefulness of the incautious disceptation for domestic help scotch structure, sense of balance of all for new, progressive tense industries.The obsolete dodging of the fortunate standard, which leaned to the prejudices concerning assess of gold, has been replaced with more(prenominal) youthful-day world(prenominal) financial carcass fictitious nearly coordination of national banks. The glowing argument has authorized a notable counterbalance in the throw of the antitrust virtue and, in round cases, elements of economy planning. The amicable rights of workers became dampen protect - the contribution of softwood unions has amplified, in somewhat countries the elements of sociable protection, the predecessor of the modern dusts upbeat state began to place (Aldcroft, 1978, p68). in that respectfore there was the around detrimental stinting crisis for all world history. It occurred because the overaged system laissez